Imperfect Wives


CaptureWhen your marriage feels like a motion, Rise Up! Have you ever felt in your marriage that you were just living through the motions of life? Going through the motions can be lonely when GOD is not in the equation. I don’t feel ashamed to share my story, I see it as an opportunity to share my own challenges. See, I once lived in that place of going through the motions.

Why did I feel this way?

I was serving GOD, so I thought. However, instead of allowing GOD to direct my steps with my marriage, I depended on my emotions; just like many of us do. I said GOD was in control, but did I really give him the driver’s seat? No, I allowed my emotions to drive me. I was going through the everyday motions of life outwardly, but inwardly felt like I was a sinking ship in my marriage. Not only did I find myself in this situation, but many of my dearest friends shared similar challenges they were experiencing in their marriage. On many accounts some would say, “I have been unhappily married for so many years now, but I have made my choice at this time to just deal with him. I am still in this marriage because I have chosen to stay for my kids. I financially cannot afford to live on my own.” Sad to say, but this is how many marriages are today.

Although my marriage ended in divorce, it taught me all about the missing pieces in marriage, and how important it was to  let God’s grace and love drive my motions, instead of allowing my emotions to be the dictator. There is no doubt that divorce is never part of God’s plan for us, but many times, it may be because God did not put us together in the first place with the other person.

                                          Letting GOD be the driver……………………..

So, how have I changed from walking in everyday motions, to allowing God to be the driver in my current marriage?  I chose to surrender my emotions to God, and asked him to empty me of everything that did not line up with his perfect will for my marriage. (This is not a one day surrendering, it is a daily surrendering.) I asked God to help me to “RISE UP” in my marriage, and help me to keep my marriage alive. Be encouraged, if you are willing, I promise you too will see a change!  Rise up and get out of the everyday motions in your marriage; wake up your marriage! Try setting aside a few minutes each day to see how the others day went. Stop having a routine and start being more spontaneous, instead of always doing a movie and dinner try something new. Make a jar that has your likes/his likes and pull from that jar for your next date night. Most important don’t give up your devotional time with one another. If this is something you don’t do now, pray, and ask God to place it on both your hearts to desire this time together. This bonds you even closer when you pray and read the word together. Keep all aspects of your life, especially your marriage, manageable. If it means cutting out some extracurricular activities, then do it, it doesn’t make you incompetent or a failure. It just means you are choosing to rise higher!

Building strong marriages together,

Leanne Ilges


Below are a few scriptures & words of encouragement: 


  • Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. (1 Peter 4:8)
  • Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. (Ecclesiastes 4:12)
  • Be completely humble and gentle; Be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the spirit through the bond of peace. (Ephesians 4:2-3)

Words of encouragement:

  • Praise is a great gift, and it’s so easy to give. Start looking at the things that make your spouse unique and develop the habit of praising him for those special things.
  • Oneness does not mean that one dominates the other.
  • Anger is our choice. Make a commitment to not going to bed being angry.

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