Today's Imperfect Minute


8-8-2014 8-06-11 AM“Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath”. (James 1:19)

If you know me, you know that I love to talk. I can talk to just about anyone, if they’ll listen. There are times when I should learn to listen more, but I haven’t yet. This verse in James has been one that I’ve heard several times over the last several days. I always pay close attention to certain scripture if I hear it more than twice in a couple days. I figure that God wants to tell me something.

As a wife, I know I need to be slow to speak and quick to listen. I’m one of those ‘got to have the last word’ women. Yes, it’s shameful to admit, but that is me. Knowing this should compel me to be slow to speak; I am still learning y’all. I am still in the process of doing what I know is good for me at times. My spirit knows it, and my flesh knows it, but my flesh is weak. I’m reminded of this in Matthew 26:41,“The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak”.

I should be willing to let my husband speak without lashing out in anger or getting the last word in. I shouldn’t have to always be right. Even if I’m right, I don’t have to flaunt it. When my husband does or says something that makes me mad, I don’t have to blow a gasket. I should be compelled to love and to show love even when I am mad. Love will reach out to my husband and grab him, but being harsh will only turn him away. A soft answer turns away wrath Solomon says in Proverbs 15:1.

It can be so hard to not lash out or give the silent treatment!

The Holy Spirit has been speaking to me about this. When we hear our husbands out and we truly listen to them, we may hear his heart instead of accusations. That really stepped on my toes, but it is the truth. If I’m too busy trying to make my point then how can I hear what my man has to say? We should give them more credit than we do and be willing to be open to their thoughts. I’m right there with you. I get frustrated and just want to speak my words, but I have to be obedient to the Word of God as a wife.

I encourage you this month to be slow to speak, quick to hear, and slow to anger. Really listen to your husband when he is talking to you about whatever the subject may be. We are called to be women with a quiet and meek spirit. We should walk in that and really show our husbands we love them by listening to them.

Let’s take a moment to pray!

Lord, thank Your Word that teaches us how to be the wives that YOU desire. Help us to truly soak up Your Words. Help us to be listeners and not just talkers. May we listen to our men when they speak to us; whether it’s a disagreement, or just conversation. May we open our hearts and listen to them. Give us the strength to be women with a meek and quiet spirit. 

In Jesus’ name Amen. 

Building strong marriages together,  

Heather Strickland


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