Today's Imperfect Minute

Just Jesus!

Does it feel like the most wonderful time of the year to you?

If you’re like me, the answer might be “not so much.”

Now don’t get me wrong.  I LOVE Christmas.

And I really love Jesus.

I love people and getting together to do Christmas-y things like singing carols, having parties, going to parades, driving around looking at Christmas lights, shopping for presents, wrapping those presents, baking cookies, decorating the house, and watching holiday movies.  Don’t even get me started on just hanging out over a cup of something warm in front of a fire! {I’m out of breath just reading that list!}

It’s all so fun!  And who doesn’t want to have fun?

But a little bit lot of fun on top of my regular responsibilities as a wife, mom, home maker, home school parent, and ministry leader can result in one stressed-out me.

And that is not wonderful.  Not one little bit. {Just ask the people who live at my house…they’ll tell you.}

Several years ago, the Lord dealt with me about this.  He told me about the importance of slowing down my schedule during the holidays instead of ramping it up to meet the many opportunities that lay before me.

He impressed upon me the necessity of carving out some special time to spend alone with Him as the days of December draw closer to the celebration of Jesus’ birth. God wanted me to refocus my thoughts on the greatest gift ever given:  Jesus, God’s Word made flesh, sent in payment for our sins to reconcile us with our Father.

Truthfully, some years I do better than others.  {The jury’s still out on this year…I’ll let you know how I do sometime next month!}

This year, my thoughts have been focused on Jesus.

He is so much more than just a baby in a manger.

Jesus is Immanuel–God with us.  Matthew 1:23

Jesus is The Door–if anyone enters by Him, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture.  John 10:9

Jesus is The True Vine–if you abide in Him and He in you, you bear much fruit; for without Him you can do nothing.  John 15:5

Jesus is The Giver of Living Water–if you drink of the living water, you shall never thirst; the water Jesus gives will be in you a well of water springing up into everlasting life. John 4:10, 13-14

Jesus is The Light of the World–if you follow Him, you will not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.  John 8:12

Jesus is The Bright Morning Star–if you follow Him, He will let His light shine through you. Revelation 22:6

Jesus is The Lion from the tribe of Judah–the Lion represents strength and tenderness coexisting together, while Judah is the royal tribe of the Jews.  Jesus’ lineage is from this tribe through His mother, Mary. Revelation 5:5

Jesus is The Lamb of God–He takes away the sin of the world by being the perfect, sinless substitute for our sins.  John 1:29

Jesus is The Good Shepherd–He finds us when we are lost and then cares for us to keep us safe!  John 10:11

Jesus is The King of kings and Lord of lords–He is ruler over all!  1 Timothy 6:15

Jesus is The Bread of Life–if you come to Him you will never hunger.  John 6:35

Jesus is The Savior–He was sent by our Father to be the Savior of the world.  If you confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God will dwell in you, and you will dwell in God.  1 John 4:14-15

For the next two weeks, I want to encourage you to focus your thoughts on Jesus as often as you are able.  He wants to be all of these things to you…just give Him a chance.

If you don’t know where to start, start with Jesus as your Savior.

For at least a few minutes each day, lay aside everything else and turn your attention to just Jesus!

In His Love,



P.S.  This post was inspired by a precious 2-year old, Nathaniel, his mom, Rebecca, and the “Adorenaments” ornaments from Family Life.

One comment on “Just Jesus!

  1. Amen Rebecca! Christmas is so wonderful and so much more than just the gifts. We need to take that time for the One Gift! I am so glad that He reminded you to slow down during Christmas time so you can relax and enjoy it and spend some time talking to our Daddy!

    Love ya woman!!

    Great list and scriptures too!!

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