Today's Imperfect Minute


9-26-2014 8-39-13 AMWe all face trying times in our marriages. It can get messy and sometimes downright ugly. When you have two sinners living under the same rough, there is bound to be confrontation and frustration. I’ve been there and I know you have too. We don’t have to stay frustrated with our husbands though. We can be joyful and make it through those difficult times.

When we feel this way in our marriages, we can go to God’s Word for comfort and direction. We can look to find scripture that talks about overcoming in hard times. His Word is full of encouragement for us in any situation we find ourselves in the midst of. In Nehemiah 8:10 it says: “Then he said unto them, Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for this day is holy unto our Lord: neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” We can have joy during those frustrating times with our husband. The joy of the Lord can be our strength. His joy will strengthen us when we can’t find strength.

I love how gracious our God is to us. How merciful and how caring! He knew we’d face hard times in life and in our marriages, so He gave us just what we need. He gives us His joy. Happiness depends on circumstances, but joy isn’t dependent upon circumstances.  We can be joyful everyday knowing that God has spared our souls from the depths of Hell. We can have joy knowing we have way more than we deserve. We can have joy knowing that the God of heaven is waiting there to encourage us in our time of need.

So when things aren’t going as you wish in your marriage, try not to get down-trodden. Look to the Maker of heaven and earth who loves you and wants you to find joy through Him. Pray for your man and encourage him too. Marriage is team work. It’s 100% from both the wife and husband. If we don’t stay in the Word, our marriages will fail and so will our joy.

Lord, thank You for our husbands and our marriages. May we lean upon Your joy when we are weak. May we call upon Your Holy name in the midst of trying times. Strengthen our husbands daily. Draw us both closer to You so we may be one. May we be vessels of honor and joy for Your name’s sake. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Building strong marriages together,  

Heather Strickland


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