Today's Imperfect Minute

Imperfect Moms | God Qualified You!

God Qualified YouGod Qualified You

It was right before Christmas in 1996. I had just spent the night partying at a command Christmas party. In the morning on the way back to the barracks I stopped to purchase a pregnancy test with a friend and I found out I was pregnant.

My story to motherhood isn’t picture perfect by any means. I was a selfish, career driven person who was told at age of 16 I would never be able to have children. Yet here I was unmarried holding a positive EPT test. Fear immediately began to grip my life, and I struggled daily with the kind of mom I was going to be. 

I felt totally unprepared and even worse because I seemed to be doing things backwards. I was nowhere near marriage and here I am with a baby on the way.. Life is funny like that, you know. Here you are with your dreams and aspirations, then God shows up and says,” Nope, I have bigger and better plans for you. They may not make sense right now, they may even seem a little strange, but trust me, you are the one I have chosen for this job.”

So in August of 1997 I gave birth to my first son. This is day where I feel like my life began to change. I became a little less selfish, and it changed the trajectory of the direction I was going.

I am now the mother of 5 and there are still days I wonder if I really am the best qualified to be entrusted with these precious souls. I make mistakes, I fall down, there are some days when I am all most certain I have thoroughly messed up.
As a mom, we want to protect our children. We never want them to feel unloved or unworthy. Often times we will go to great lengths so our children never feel the sting of disappoint. We hopefully want their lives to be better than the ones we had, and when we can’t seem to get it right we beat ourselves up!

Listen to me today……. all you sweet mama’s out there who are trying from sun up to sun down to BE ALL THAT YOU CAN BE as a mom – letting fear and doubt hold you in bondage, let me tell you how amazing you are!! Let me assure that the God of the universe chose you to be the mama of the little blessing that you hold or held in your arms, and He doesn’t make mistakes! He qualified you from the very beginning of time for this job!

Are you always going to get it right? No, but guess what, it’s ok, because Gods grace and mercy are new everyday (Lam 3:23) There will be tears, heartaches, heartbreaks, and disappointments, but let me encourage you today to lean on God in every moment, and trust in Him!

It doesn’t matter how you came to be a mama or what your childhood was like. You are just the right person for this job; hand selected, personally qualified. Don’t let the enemy or anyone else convince you otherwise! Can you relate to my story? I would love to hear yours. Leave a comment and lets talk about it.

Veronica Corwin

Veronica CorwinVeronica Corwin is a crazy, fun loving, just wild about Jesus mama of 5 of His soldiers in training! She has been married for 15 years to her God mate Wes, and they are a military family! She is a stay at home mom and entrepreneur, and she homeschool her 4 youngest, as her oldest graduated last year. Veronica is also the Ambassador for The Imperfect Wives Ministry and a small group leader. As a family, they have faced many struggles, and have found their Faith in God to be enough to get them through anything that comes their way. Veronica relies heavily on the Word of God and prayer to help her through some tough situations, and it has been her hearts desire for quite sometime to be able to share all this wisdom she has obtained over the years to help and encourage other moms with their struggles!
“Children are a gift from the LORD; babies are a reward. Children who are born to a young man are like arrows in the hand of a warrior. Happy is the man who has his bag full of arrows. They will not be defeated when they fight their enemies at the city gate.”  -Psalms 127:3-5 NCV


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Have you ever felt imperfect or like a failure when it comes to being a mom? We all have at one time or another.  We have some encouraging news for you. Your imperfections come with a purpose. God wants to use our imperfections to teach us about ourselves and about our children. And you are not alone! Imperfect Moms is a group set apart from the craziness of this world to give us a safe place to share and be real with each other. Parenting is probably the hardest job we have. But we don’t have to do it alone! You are invited to join us in this amazing and imperfect world we call Imperfect Moms!  Join today by clicking HERE!


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