“but whoever listens to me will live in safety
and be at ease, without fear of harm.”  Proverbs 1:33

I have a hard time hearing.

I have a hearing loss and wear hearing aids in both ears.

With the help of the hearing aids, I can hear almost 90% of all sounds.  It is truly remarkable.

My husband used to think I was ignoring him until about 10 years ago when our insurance approved the hearing aids!  I truly did not hear him.

I still must be intentional about listening though.

Listening to others around me takes intense concentration and often it is tiring.

Listening takes work.  It is more than hearing.

To Listen, according to the dictionary means “to give attention with the ear” and “to pay attention or heed, obey.”

Over the years of our marriage, I have struggled with listening to my husband.  It has been a skill I have needed to hone.

Listening involves putting aside selfish desires and hearing the other person.

One must focus their ear and give attention to the other person.

Then the second definition was very interesting to me.  Listening involves paying  attention to and even heeding and obeying.

This definition of listening  is, of course, used in statements concerning a child and a parent.  For example, “this child listens to her mother.”  The intent of this statement is that the child heeds and pays attention to her mother — indeed, obeys her mother.

I began to ask myself, “Am I an an intent listener?  To my spouse?  To my kids?  To those whom I minister?”

Proverbs 1:33 shows the benefits of being a good listener.  Benefits in listening to wisdom, God’s Word are:

1) safety;

2) security and

3) no fear of evil.

How are you doing in listening to the Lord? 

I know for me the Lord  is continuing to show me that I must be intentional.  I must work at it.  Listening to Him requires spiritual and physical effort.

Listening to God and following His wisdom involves focusing my attention on the Lord and His Word.

Too often I can’t hear the Lord.  I am drowning out His still small voice with self focus and lack of self discipline.

I am all for safety, security and peace (no fear of evil).  Who knew that listening to the Lord could do all that!

As I become a better listener to the voice of the Holy Spirit, my attention remains fixed on the Author and Finisher of my faith; and as a result I become a better listener to my husband.

It takes work though.  Jesus taught the disciples and the crowds that they must pay attention to His words, to ask for discernment (wisdom) and to listen up!  I have been challenged to listen to my husband, even as I pay close attention to and obey Christ.

He [or She] who has ears, let him [her] hear!


Image from Pinterest