Today's Imperfect Minute

He Has Torn, But He Will Heal Us


I woke up this morning with our fast on my heart.  It makes sense since our 5 Thursdays of fasting starts today.

God spoke to Rebecca and I concerning His desire for each days focus.

Today’s focus;  Our personal relationship with Him!

These are the areas God is tugging our hearts to seek His face for today.

~ Repentance in the things that keep you from God
~ Your personal growth
~ God’s direction for you

I found it no coincidence that God led me to Hosea to read this morning as my eyes landed here:

“Come, and let us return to the Lord; For He has torn, but he will heal us; He has stricken, but He will bind us up.” Hosea 6:1

Repentance! A word we sometimes have a hard time wrapping our minds around because of the implications this word implies.

A call to repent means we have something to repent for.  A sin we don’t want to confess because confession means we have acknowledged our sin to ours selves, and now to God.

Hosea is a word picture of God’s unconditional love and mercy toward ancient Israel and His children throughout the ages. Even for us today.

In 2 Samuel 24  we read that David had sinned against God. God sent the prophet Gad to confront David with a choice of consequences.  In verse 13 Gad lists David’s options.

~ Seven years of famine in the land.

~ Flee for 3 months before your enemies, while they pursue you.

~ 3 days of plague in your land.

David did not hesitate before replying:

“I am in deep distress. Let us fall into the hands of the LORD, for his mercy is great; but do not let me fall into human hands.”  vs 14

The Bible tells us, “David was a man after Gods own heart.”  He knew he could submit to God and receive mercy though he  deserved  justice.

Though David sinned against God, he returned to Him torn by his sin and God healed him.

We are no different from David. We sin just as he did. We also have the same God who’s mercy is not kept from us.

We can know, just as Hosea 6:3 says, “He will come to us like the rain, like the latter and former rain to the earth. He will nourish and hydrate us by His Spirit until the barren places are saturated and bursting again with life.”

Today’s fast is a Call To Repentance.

Seek Gods face and allow Him to bring your sin to the surface.  In Hosea 6:2 we see that it is God’s desire to revive us  {from our torn state} and raise us up so “that we may live in His sight.”

Once the sovereign hand of God has secured your deliverance from darkness, He will then begin the painstaking process of restoring you back into fellowship with Him. Amen!!

Join us on the CLUB for the fast. Though we are torn, God will heal us!

Praying for our wives,


Picture via Pinterest

2 Comments on “He Has Torn, But He Will Heal Us

    1. So sweet that you ordered one. We love it as well and so excited to be able to have this available for wives. I pray it brings a smile to your face as your are reminded Gods grace is perfect in you!! Love you, Stephanie!

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