Today's Imperfect Minute


You might be wondering where I am. You see my posts on Friday, but all else is quiet from my corner of the world.

I am here, feeling as if I am dog-paddling my way from one day to the next.

You see, we are in the process of a move with another move planned in a couple of weeks.

The past few months has been a whirlwind of job hunting, house hunting and finding, mortgage securing, packing, packing and more packing, sick children, catching up on homeschool and sleep for this weary mama.

In all of this, though, the Lord is moving mightily. I can see His hand over everything throughout this time.

There is so much I want to share. I have a notebook filled with scriptures, topics, tidbits of my heart that I can’t wait to share.

My heart is bursting to tell you of His love and faithfulness. And how He wants to extend those same things to you and your marriage.

I want to meet the amazing women who are The Imperfect Wives.

And I will.

Please know my quietness comes merely from a lack of internet, never a lack of desire.

This week I merely ask for grace, as I work on tending to sick babies and being a helpmeet to my husband.


But I trust in your unfailing love;
My heart rejoices in your salvation.
I will sing to the Lord,
For he has been good to me.
Psalm 13:5-6

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