Today's Imperfect Minute


AmandaI recently attended a Women’s Ministry Conference and it was wonderful!  One of the biggest impacts on me was at the beginning of each of the sessions when a short video was played with our names paired with promises from God’s Word.   The one with my name happened to be…….

“Amanda, you are free to enter into my presence!”


At the time those nine words hit me hard, like for real, tears flowed from my eyes.  I didn’t understand why then, but as I’ve sought the Lord in my quiet time; HE revealed to me that I didn’t think I was good enough. I was struggling to find my own worthiness.  I had made SO many mistakes, sinned SO much, made worldly choices over and over again….I wasn’t WORTHY enough for HIM, or so I thought.

“How precious are your thoughts about me, O God.

They cannot be numbered!”

(Psalm 139:17)

Just as parents love their children unconditionally, no matter the mistakes they make, our Abba Father loves us unconditionally too!  Remember that you are always on your Fathers’ mind.  His thoughts of you are full of love and compassion and HE is with you at all the time. You fill His heart with Joy and when you turn to Him in need; His arms are wide open to you!  He is there to embrace you when you fall, and when you feel defeated; whether that is in your marriage, work, raising your children, ministry, or even your relationship with Him. You are His daughter and that will NEVER change!

“For his Holy Spirit speaks to us deep in our hearts and tells us that

we really are God’s children. And since we are his

children, we will share his treasures—for all

God gives to his Son Jesus is now ours too” (Romans 8:16-17)

Are you unsure of things in your daily life?  Are you afraid because your marriage may be on shaky ground?  Ladies, friends, enter into the presence (existence, being, subsistence) of the Lord.  He is here.  He is willing.  His desire is for you to come to Him for aid, even when you don’t think you deserve it.  It’s not up to you to determine that…’s up to HIM and He’s already promised it.

Building strong marriages together,

Amanda Hughes


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