Today's Imperfect Minute


9-23-2014 8-45-28 AMThere are days, weeks even, when I feel exhausted in my marriage. The Lord has clearly shown me that I am a spoil brat; I want what I want and I want it when I want it.

If I express to my husband something I would like to change in our marriage and he doesn’t respond how I think he should I pout. In the past I would have thrown a fit but now, now I just silently pout. Which is no better really, and I know when I get like this, easily offended, its time to refocus.

“I will remember the deeds of the LORD; yes, I will remember your wonders of old. I will ponder all your work, and meditate on your mighty deeds. Your way, O God, is Holy. What god is great like our God?” Psalms 77:11-13

In the day of trouble seek the Lord. Remember, look back at all God has done in your life, marriage, & family and Praise Him for those things. The best way to get through rough waters in our lives is to keep focused on Our God.

“You are the God who works wonders; you have made known your might among the peoples. You with your arm redeemed your people, the children of Jacob and Joseph.” Psalms 77:14-15

When I get “me” focused in my life and marriage, I know its time to change my perspective. My sweet five year old gave me a wake up call the other day. I was talking to her about when we get our feelings hurt and she said to me ” Mom, my feelings can’t be hurt, I belong to Jesus” She said it with such confidence I was stunned.

“We need to remember whose we are!”

When the waters get rough I turn to the one who can calm the seas. I remember His mighty works, I open my old journal and reread the miracles He has done in my marriage and my life. I open His Word and remember that He is good and His steadfast love endures forever, He is gracious and compassionate, He is patient and comforting and He remembers His promises. He is not a God who changes His mind, He will not leave me or forsake my marriage. He is a God who brings restoration and Hope. He will not leave me where I am, But will use every struggle for my benefit.

“Then remember who you are in HIM!”

” Adopted,Chosen, Forgiven, Holy, blameless, His master piece, Secure, Victorious, protected, dearly Loved, His Bride, fearfully and wonderfully made, the salt of the earth, the light of the world, more then conquerors.

You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trust in you. (Isaiah 26:3) My heart and Mind is protected by Gods peace.

Refocus, be still, renew your mind, we will have seasons of rough seas but God is the calmer of those seas and he has promised to bring us THROUGH THEM!

When you go through the water you will not drown!

When you go through the fire you will not be burned!

When you go through the valley you will not fear!

Building strong marriages together,   

Ashley Ladd

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