Today's Imperfect Minute


God Gave Me You (2)“Her husband has FULL confidence in her and lacks

nothing of value.” (Proverbs 31:10) 

One reason I believe my marriage to Ryan is strong is a truth I hold very dear: Ryan was selected as God’s best.  So, if Ryan was selected as God’s best, I must treasure him as such.  It doesn’t mean Ryan and I have never had disagreements or arguments, a healthy marriage will have them.


Nevertheless, we have learned to fight those situations out, we have learned to talk. Sadly, most couples don’t know how to work out their differences, so it either causes division or lack of trust.  Yet, it’s also a great opportunity for the enemy to whisper into your ear or one’s heart will “search” for another lover.   Some couples have looked for greener pastures but forget how to mow their own lawns.  Marriage takes work, is work, and will always be work to make it lasting.

As I was reading Cherie’s recent blog this morning, I started meditating about it.  As I starting thinking, the Spirit brought me to this verse, “Her husband has FULL confidence in her and lacks nothing of value.”  I admit, I was astonished at reading it but the truth was reflected deeper in my heart by the Lord.  Recently, I have been feeling alone or unsupported with all of the responsibilities of our lives.  With work, ministry, raising a family of three teenagers, and my father’s illness I have been feeling very overloaded and unloved.  Haven’t we all been overwhelmed with the responsibilities of life?  Nevertheless, it’s the most powerful way to show the love to your spouse on a daily basis.

What’s the secret? 

“She brings him good, not harm all of the days of her life.” (Proverbs 31:11)

It’s about the reason behind the deed-to love them by caring for them.  As I started reading these two passages, a peace come over my spirit, although I desire my husband to assist with more responsibilities, I am grateful the Spirit brought this verse to me.  God doesn’t overlook any good deeds, especially to those who we love the most.  Our homes are the greatest mission fields; it’s the purest way to show the love of Christ.

 If we desire for our marriages to be good, we can’t bring them harm.  Harm with words to our friends, in the town square, or in the church.  (I am not saying not to discuss personal matters with dearest of friends for prayer or counsel).  However, if we truly love our spouse, we will do nothing to attack their lives or reputation.  Love gives sacrificially from our own hands; we give the best we can.  Although the wife of noble character isn’t named, God recognized her as “worth far more than rubies”.   Proverbs 31 is probably the most recognized text in scripture for women who are married; it paves the deepest way to gain our husband’s heart with full confidence.

The noble wife isn’t idle, a gossip, or unwilling to work for the safety of her family.  She speaks with wisdom and faithful instruction on her tongue, so she guides the lives of her children.  It’s in the secret chambers of God that her heart is guided, so she can instruct her own family. Why is her family the most precious gift to her?  She realized it’s her greatest gift from God.

Building strong marriages together,

Tina Wetor

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