Today's Imperfect Minute

Get R-E-A-L

Ladies, let’s get real…

Just for a moment.

Hear me out.

I want to give you a little to think about as we step into summer.

Are you a planner? I am.

Maybe you’re not, but here’s what I’m asking:

Plan to invest in your marriage over the next four weeks with me.

This is what I mean:

Intentionally give your marriage 5-15 minutes a day by reading, every day, a good Christian book on marriage.

5 – 15 minutes.

You may have one (or several) of this type of books on your shelves at home.

The library has some good ones, or your church library and friends may be other resources for some good books.

Get a few books (see end of this post for some suggested authors) and deliberately read, from godly writers, something on building, reviving, renewing and strengthening your marriage.

5-15 minutes. Not long to give to the health of your marriage.

Is it worth the time to you?

I know it is! You can do it!

To help us focus on our marriages, I’ve made an acrostic with the word REAL.


Get REAL! These four things, if given to your husband, will touch his heart, and even thrill him.

It is said by many authors and counselors that
respect is the number one thing that men want from their wives.

It is clear from God’s Word that wives are to respect their husbands.
Ephesians 5:33 says,

Nevertheless let each one of you in particular so love his own wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband. (NKJV) (italics mine)

Respect is not always easy.

But it is God’s design for wives to give their husbands respect.

Allow your husband to find comfort in your relationship by showing him respect.

Build him up in front of others, in front of your children.

Respect what he says; don’t always correct him.

Ask God to help you do this.

That is my prayer this week. Won’t you make it yours as well?

Come on ladies! Let’s get REAL for our husbands…f
or our marriages!

Next week we’ll take a look at Encouragement.

But fo
r now, I’m hoping to be more REAL!



Recommended authors: Elisabeth George, Les and Leslie Parrott, Gary and Barb Rosberg, Dr. Ed Wheat, Dr. James Dobson, Kerry Clarensau, Dr. Gary Smalley

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