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Ever since Flag Day in June, I have been feeling patriotic.
I am a Navy wife and my family has a rich history of men who have served our country in the military.
The patriotic feelings always seem to bubble to the surface during certain times of the year.
This year the feelings brought to mind the idea of freedom.
We, as women of faith, have the freedom that Christ brings.
Freedom to live like Christ.
Freedom to be the wife that God intends us to become.
This freedom has a cost though.
Much like the freedom we enjoy as Americans, our heritage and freedom were not cheap.
Have you seen the bumper sticker that reads “Freedom isn’t free?”
Or maybe you heard that sentiment in a country song in honor of our military and veterans.
The same sentiment could be used when talking about the cost of our salvation to God.
While God freely brings us into a right relationship with Himself by His unbounding love and mercy, our salvation was anything but free.
It cost the precious blood of Jesus, His one and only Son.
The penalty for our sins was paid and freedom to worship and glorify God restored.
Sin no longer has power over us as we were cleansed from all unrighteousness.
Romans 8:2 says,
For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.
We have the most perfect kind of freedom in Christ Jesus.
We have this freedom in our marriages.
We are created to be the perfect help-mate for our spouse.
That’s right Imperfect Wives, I said “perfect.”
For you see you have the Spirit of Christ Jesus (if you have made a profession of faith and trusted Jesus as your Lord and Savior) living within you.
That means, you are free from the bonds of sin.
No, that doesn’t mean we don’t still struggle with sin, BUT it does mean you have the freedom to live in the Power of Jesus.
I am a patriotic gal, but this news makes me swell with gratitude and thankfulness way beyond any feeling of national pride.
It makes me want to shout of the Lord’s goodness and to bask in the perfect freedom of the Lord.
It makes me want to rise to the high calling of being a godly wife.
It makes it worth the effort and work.
It brings me through the hard times and the valleys.
Yes, the freedom carries me and challenges me to always be striving to be more like Jesus.
It is yours. It is mine.
Walk in it.
Live it.
Embrace it.
Allow the freedom that comes in Christ to soak into your marriage.
Now that will make yours and your husband’s heart swell!
– Kim
{Photo courtesy of: http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n86/MARILYN-1/american-flag-heart-clip-art.png}