Did you ever play the children’s game “Follow the Leader?”
It really wasn’t my favorite game, but I did enjoy it when I was the leader.
I liked having people do whatever I did. (must be the bossy side of me that  enjoyed it!)
It was fun being in charge.
Following the Leader is an important concept in the Christian life.
Christians have a clear model set for us in Scripture for living life.
As believers, we have a clear leader — Christ Jesus.
The Lord Jesus Christ is the head of the church.
Christ is the head of my life.
Sounds good, right?
Oh, but wait — does that mean I relinquish control over my life to God in all areas?
In my marriage?
God is the head of my house.
In fact, marriage is a partnership between me, my husband and God.
And even more, marriage is a picture of Christ and the church.
Just as Christ is the head of the church, so is the husband the head of the wife.

For the husband is the head of the wife, as also Christ is the head of the church; and He is the Savior of the body.  Ephesians 5:23

Does partnership then have no place? 
Does dialogue not happen between mates? 
Does the wife have no say in anything?
That is not what I am saying.
The leadership that the husband provides is a God-given role.
A role so serious, in fact, that Paul says It is a servant-leader that is pictured here.

“Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church, and gave Himself for her.” Ephesians 5:33

God is the leader in the marriage and, within this bond, the husband is to lead his wife and children as Christ does the church.
This is the way God has set up the family.
We can see in the story of Israel a beautiful reminder of God’s love and care and unfailing direction.
God clearly chose His people and never doubted the direction He would lead them.
He never left a doubt of His provision and care.
God is a caring God and His provisions for His people are good and right.
The way He has set up our marriages is for the wife’s benefit.
Just as Christ cares for His bride, the church, so has God called the husband to care for his bride. Leadership within the marriage then must be a picture of Christ with the church.
Are you willing to follow the Leader?
That is the Lord Jesus.
Are you willing to follow your husband?
That is God’s design for you as a wife.
Follow Jesus and as you submit to Him as Lord, it will be easier to submit to your husband.
Ask the Lord to help you in this area.
I do. 
Won’t you join me in this prayer?
It is a wonderful thing to Follow the Leader.