Imperfect Wives

Fear or Trust


stepping out in faith

Stepping out to do what God is nudging us to do can be scary because, stepping out means we are either doing something for the first time or God is stretching us. I always want to lead my South Carolina Women’s Department with courage and grace, and without fear.

Fear or Trust

I’m doing something at this year’s conference that I haven’t done in a few years. My mind has been bombarded with fear and doubt, and even hate towards me -all aimed by the enemy to derail and quiet me! Can you relate?

I opened my Bible this morning and asked God for an encouraging word. I tend to have a word in my heart and I anticipate that God will line up with me and speak to me with a scripture using that very word.  Sometimes He takes me to a place I wasn’t asking for. As I opened my Bible this morning, He whispered Psalm 131,

“Lord, my heart is not haughty, Nor my eyes lofty. Neither do I concern myself with great matters, Nor with things too profound for me. Surely I have calmed and quieted my soul, Like a weaned child with his mother; Like a weaned child is my soul within me. O Israel, hope in the Lord From this time forth and forever”

Our Heavenly Father knows us so much deeper than we realize. He never ceases to amaze me with His knowledge of where I am and what I need. The heading above these verse in my Bible says, “Simple Trust in the Lord!”

Trust is not the word I had in mind. Fear was the word. But isn’t Trust the opposite of Fear? As I read these verses I searched my heart. My heart is not haughty nor are my eyes lofty. I truly want God’s will for you at conference and not my own.

“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.”  -Hebrews 11:1

One thing is clear. I need to calm and quiet my soul in God’s presence instead of letting it have control and spinning me out of control. My hope is in God. Getting myself out of the way and staying focused on Jesus is where I need to stay.

Taking time with God each day is so important in our daily walk in this world. Can you relate to where I have been this week? Leave me a comment.  I’d love to pray for you.

My signature

2 Comments on “Fear or Trust

  1. I am so glad you wrote this. I too struggle with this. For the past 6 weeks, things have been changing for me. I volunteered to teach a class, been going to prayer in the morning, and getting more involved at church. I’ve sat back and watched for 3 years and something told me to go and volunteer to teach an adult class. It took me about a week to finally get the courage to do this. Afterwards, i felt at peace. There is nothing like this peace I felt. You see I have felt this peace once before. I am about to return to work in 2 weeks. I have enjoyed going to prayer and bible study in the morning and will miss it. Please pray that I will find time to not let work consume most of my day and that I will have more time for worship.

    1. Amen, Cicely! So excited for you. Peace!! The {Shalom} peace God gives us quite amazing. I will be praying with you. I sense you will be given choices and you will have to chose what to do. Your love for God and desire to worship more will win every time if you chose to let it! Praying for strength and wisdom, sweet friend. <3

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