Today's Imperfect Minute

Fasting – An Act of Worship and Devotion

I am challenged by the topic of fasting.

I understand fasting to be a spiritual discipline.

The people of the Bible had a clear vision of the importance of fasting.

Fasting was done by the chosen people of God in the Old Testament and continued to be practiced by believers in the New Testament church.

And Jesus Himself fasted.

That is a real “What Would Jesus Do” moment.

Jesus would fast.

In fact, everything that Jesus did, He did out of obedience to God the Father.

His ministry, His healing, His miracles, His teaching, His fasting, His crucifixion — all done out of obedience to the Father.

I have thought that fasting would be a good idea and practiced it within the context of an act of obedience as I was called to pray.

But something that I have realized as studying this discipline of fasting is that it is tied to worship and devotion.

Jesus is the perfect example of worship and devotion to His Heavenly Father.

He had a true understanding of humility.  Remember His statement in the garden hours before His crucifixion?

“…nevertheless, not what I will, but what You will.”(Mark 14:36)

Jesus, though God in the flesh, submitted Himself to the will of the Father.

I’ll say it again, I am challenged by this discipline

Fasting.  Abstaining from food for spiritual purposes.

Spiritual purpose equals a God-centered focus.

When we have a God-centered focus, not a self-seeking or self-centered purpose for fasting, our fast is an act of worship and devotion.

Jesus tells his followers in Matthew 6:17-18,

“But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, 18 so that it will not be obvious to men that you are fasting, but only to your Father, who is unseen; and your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”

We are to wash our faces, and anoint our heads with oil.  There is to be a joy and celebration in our fasting (even in times of fasts for mourning as we worship an Unchangeable God who is Worthy of Worship)

This week we have been called to a “corporate” fast at The Imperfect Wives.

We are challenged to fast (one meal) on Thursdays for the next five weeks.  The purpose for the fast this week is for repentance.

Repentance will most certainly turn our hearts to Jesus in utter devotion, especially as we face our depravity and know that there is nothing righteous in us apart from Jesus.  We will be compelled to worship The King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Our fasting becomes a private act of worship and devotion.

This excites me!

I never looked at fasting with excitement.  In fact, I now anticipate true worship through obedience in fasting.

Can you feel the excitement building, ladies?  Ask God to direct you in this area.

I am praying for direction and waiting to walk in obedience.


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