Today's Imperfect Minute


I have been a stay at home mom now for the past three years. I don’t always like not being able to get something when I want to go get it. There have been several times when I have run out and gotten something, never anything big, even after my husband said no. I justified it because felt like I deserved it.

Being deceitful is something I don’t like in others, but as Amanda wrote last Tuesday (click here), I never really saw that in myself.

This verse in Psalm 5 also hit me hard.

You destroy those who tell lies. The bloodthirsty and deceitful you, LORD, detest. ~Psalm 5:6

I sat and thought about it. Many times I would see a cute purse or top, would justify that they were on sale for only $10, so why not? All the time I knew deep down that my husband had just told me that week that we didn’t need to buy anything extra.

Going behind my husband’s back, deceiving him, gave him that much more reason to feel like I didn’t respect him. It eats at a marriage like a cancer does. My selfish wants really hurt our marriage. It’s not like I really needed them, I just wanted them and didn’t even see how deceitful I was being.

You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; ~Ephesians 4:22

The Lord showed me the verse above, told me that if I am going to follow Him then I needed to change my deceitful ways. My actions were also teaching my 5 year old daughter how to be deceitful as well. That is not something that our Father wants!   I am more aware of it now, when my daughter and I run out to get just eggs; I don’t even tempt myself by checking the clearance racks.

I am praying that if there is any kind of deceitfulness that our Father will bring it to your attention and help you change it!

My challenge is this:  Be more aware of your deceitful ways.  Even if they are small things, it is still being deceitful in the eyes of our Father.  Simplify your life and marriage by praying about it and ask God how to change this. I know it is difficult sometimes but no one said change was ever easy! And with God’s help, then what do we have to fear?

Praying for all of us,


About Nicole Andersen:

I am a Princess!!!  I am a daughter of the King!! I am the wife of a wonderful man who works hard to provide for our daughter and me.

Although I have always believed in God, I had a season of my life where I strayed away from Him.  My cousin’s strong faith as her son fought cancer inspired me to get back into church and develop an intimate relationship with Jesus.  I am still a work in progress.

Nicole serves The Imperfect Wives Ministry through prayer and working with the local club leaders.

2 Comments on “Deceitfulness

  1. What a great reminder of how “worldy views” or oh so often not “God’s views”. The world we live in tells us “what they don’t know, won’t hurt them”. But each time we justify deceit, we push God a little further out of our marriage. Great post!

  2. Thank you Becky for your kind words about the post. I am def still a work in progress but I am so much better than I used to be! But… its the little things… even if I know we have the money, if he asks me not to spend anything I need to listen to that. He is the leader as God made him, I need to push my silly WANTS out of the way! I do not NEED anything new when I have plenty that is still working fine and just as nice! When I submit to my husband I am submitting to our Lord!

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