Today's Imperfect Minute

Date Night is NOT Optional

It is our pleasure to introduce a new feature here at

The Imperfect Wives!

On the weekends, we are going to feature the writing talents

of our leaders.  We are so excited!

 You’ll get to hear from

leaders who are serving God through this ministry.

We are confident that you will be inspired and blessed as you read!

With love,

                                                              Cherie, Rebecca, Barb, and Kim

Mark 10:8b and the two shall become one flesh so they are no more two but one flesh.

Genesis 2:24. For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.


Date nights give you an opportunity to refocus on your husband and he on you.

Many of you are wife, mother, business owner, and ministry worker.  The list of responsibilities can seem endless.

In the course of your responsibilities, it is easy to forget why you are with the person lying on the other side of the bed. Date nights give you an opportunity to rediscover your spouse both spiritually and emotionally and become ONE again.  They also give you, as a woman, a chance to prepare yourself to have one on one time with your man.

My husband is a truck driver over the road, so he’s often gone.  When he does come home, we make it a point to have at least one date night.  He loves it when my nails are freshly manicured, so I make sure they are done in one of his favorite colors (he picks!) before he comes home.

One time when finances were tight, we could not afford to go out to eat, so I made his favorite lasagna.  I bought a couple of fresh flowers and placed them in a vase on the kitchen table with candles.  Our oldest daughter, Burgandy, was about 3 years old and a sitter wasn’t in the budget.  I waited until she was asleep for the night.  I turned all the lights off in the house, put on some romantic music, took a shower, the put on something…ummm…”hidden” under my robe and waited for my hubby to come home.  He was so shocked! He loved it!  That is one of our memorable date nights!

Here are some suggestions to get you thinking:

~try a new perfume or blouse

~reinvent an outfit or try a new hairstyle

~take a nap so you can stay up late

~rearrange your bedroom furniture to make your room feel fresh and new

Your efforts to create a special date night will remind your husband why Proverbs 18:22 says,

He who finds a wife finds a good thing, And obtains favor from the Lord.

So again ladies just let your creativity come into play.

Have fun dating your man!

Leanne Collins



About Leanne:

Leanne and James have been married for 15 years after Christ and 5 years together before Christ.  They have 3 children:  Burgandy (19), Kenny (16), and Gianna (4).  After re-dedicating her life to Christ, Leanne attended  Calvary Evangelistic Bible College, where she graduated with a diploma in ministry. Two years later her husband was born again.  Together, they have overcome many challenges. Their belief in God along with perseverance, integrity and communication have held them together.

“I have served in women’s ministry for many years. I was blessed to be a part of Cherie’s first Praying Wives Club in Jacksonville, Florida. I currently lead an Imperfect Wives Club in Jacksonville.  I love the women in this group and am blessed to have such wonderful sisters in Christ in my life.  I cannot wait to see what God has for each of us!”


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One comment on “Date Night is NOT Optional

  1. You are so right, Leanne! Date night is not an option. Bill has been very creative in this area as well. One in particular that I will never forget and we often talk about! This is one of the great things about marriage. We can do so many things with just the two of us. Enjoy your date night! 🙂

    Blessings sweet friend!!

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