Today's Imperfect Minute

Confessions of My Heart

The last few shows that Rebecca and I have done have really been convicting for me.

As we pour over God’s word in preparation for each one, my Daddy shines His pure light on certain areas of my heart and asks me to work on them. Why? He loves me this much!

Taking this walk with Him has caused me to reflect back to the night of my salvation.

It was 1997 and for the first time in my life I was on the edge of walking into a relationship that had the potential to turn into an affair.

I was living the typical military wife-life. Going clubbing with my girlfriends while leaving Bill at home with our four kids was a normal thing to do. The collective thought on this was we deserved the break.

I had a resolve in my heart to never be unfaithful to Bill and yet after meeting three guys, I found myself entertaining thoughts on this very subject. Within a few nights out, my two friends had already stepped into a relationship with two of the men and  I was allowing their influence to alter my thinking. I was standing at the top of a cliff and was thinking about stepping off. 

The fact that I even thought I could do this was crazy enough. I had never had thoughts of betraying Bill before. We had a good marriage. We loved each other. He was a good husband. Why was I even allowing my thoughts to go there? I was surprising myself. Ever been there?

In the midst of my reasoning on why I should join them, God spoke loud and clear to me,  “Cherie, this is not the life I have planned for you!”

“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” 

His voice startled me back to reality.  The fact that I was standing on this cliff in the first place meant I had already committed a grave sin against Bill. This realization pierced my heart and enveloped me with shame. I was about to shatter my marriage for a relationship that had no promise of a future.

My love for Bill and God’s voice gave me the courage to say NO! 

Not only did I say no, I told the other two guys that my friends were married with kids whose husbands were serving their country, allowing them the freedom to make choices, even when the choice is wrong.  As you can imagine, my relationship with my friends was never the same after that.

I ran home to Bill. I had to confess to him what I was thinking about doing. Though my sin had yet to leave my thoughts, it was still sin! I prostrated myself at Bill’s feet and confessed the whole horrid ordeal. Amazingly, he forgave me.

Satan had told me so many times that I could give my heart to God when I was older. He said I deserved to live the life he had for me and I could go to God later and He would accept me. He dangled a life in front of me that I never wanted and yet I was walking it out. It was time for me to lay that life down and give it to God.

But God! He had other plans for me. He had poured His design into me, forming me from the depths of His heart before I was conceived in my mom’s womb.  His love for me caused Him to speak to me at the very moment I needed to hear him the most.

After confessing to Bill I went into our bedroom and poured my heart out to God. For the very first time I saw my sin. I saw that there was nothing good within me. Everything I thought was good was tainted by the sins I had committed. Everything!

I asked God for His forgiveness and asked Him to receive my heart and change me. He did and I became a new woman. Praise God that He saved me!

God speaks to us at the moment we need Him the most. But we have to be willing to listen and obey his voice. I have often wondered how many times He spoke to me before this. Could He have called my name before and I was to lost in sin to hear him?

What about you. Is He calling your name today- this week- over this last month?

Since I was a little girl God has spoken to me through music. While listening to the following song yesterday God invited me to dance with Him. At first I resisted, but then He invited me again and I did. I played this song and danced with my Savior in my sun room.

If you do not know Jesus as your savior, I pray that my story can be the catalyst that bring you to God’s amazing grace. I pray you have the courage to face your sin and place it before God asking Him to forgive you and save you.  He loves you this much!

This song is by Dara Maclean, “Yours Forever. Will you dance with God? Go ahead. He is a great dancer!

Praying for all of the King’s Daughters,



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