As you probably know, we have many changes coming for The Imperfect Wives.  God is moving us in new directions.  

Change can be exciting, challenging, lots of hard work, and a bit scary. 

Sometimes it’s a little sad, too.

We’re experiencing a bit of that at the moment.
Our beloved Mary Hess is stepping away from writing on Mondays.  If you’re like us, you’re sad and you know you’re going to miss her humor, insight and wisdom.

One of the things we love best about Mary is her obedient heart!  God has spoken to her and has told her that the other things on her “plate” are the priorities in her life for this season.  We praise God for His wisdom and for the variety of ways that He is using Mary to impact the lives of many for His kingdom.

The good news is that although Mary won’t be writing for us right now, she is still very much involved behind the scenes at The Imperfect Wives. She is the one who is making our transition to WordPress seamless and beautiful. Mary’s skill in web design keeps us looking great and she blesses us with her generosity.

Be on the lookout for Mary’s comments on The Imperfect Wives Club on Facebook.  And don’t forget to check out her personal blog at

If you’re in need of blog or website design or updating, we highly recommend Mary’s reasonably-priced services, which are conveniently located at

Mary, thank you for all you have done for us and for all that you continue to do.  We appreciate you more than words can say!

Cherie, Rebecca, Kim, and Barb