Today's Imperfect Minute


7-7-2014 9-30-03 AMWhen you can’t find the words to say to encourage your spouse or change the situation; pray in the Spirit“Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.” (Ephesians 6:18)

Sometimes silence is golden; other times it’s just pure wisdom.

When my husband is really upset, as he was recently, no words will comfort his spirit.  It’s very difficult to watch someone you love became frustrated, hopeless, and feel as if God has abandoned them.  Part of the problem, Ryan was physically exhausted from work, so his feeling weren’t aligning correctly with truth.  As a Maintenance Supervisor Ryan has to deal with leaky pipes, broken air conditioners, complete work order items, and advise 3 other employees.  Besides work, ministry, and a wonderful husband, and father; he was overwhelmed.  My husband’s spirit was broken, so the words spoken from his mouth only confirmed the problem.

God designed mankind as body, soul, and spirit.

All of those parts function together beautifully as God designed, but if our body is sick or tired, we sometimes don’t feel very godly or spiritual.  Also, after great spiritual break through, we can be our physical strength depleted.  The best scriptural example I can use this to illustrate is found in (I Kings 19:1-7)

Elijah was a great prophet of God who just destroyed the king’s prophets who worshiped the god-Baal.  With a contest Elijah challenges the people of Israel to make a devoted choice between the true God or Baal.  Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal to choose a bull and prepare it and call on the name of their god BUT don’t light the fire.  Likewise, he would do the same at his turn when the prophets of Baal called on their god with shouting from morning until noon, but no answer.  Also, they danced around the altar, slashed themselves, and keep shouting until evening but no answer.  During the whole affair, Elijah taunted them to “Shout louder” or that their god was busy doing something else.  Well, the prophets of Baal were never answered, so Elijah took his turn.  After repairing the altar, he gathered twelve stones to represent the tribes of Israel, and declared the name of the Lord.  He dug a trench around the altar so large to hold two seahs of seed.  He arranged the sacrifice accurately and asked for FOUR LARGE JARS OF WATER to pour on the offering.  So much water was placed on the sacrifice that it filled the trench.  Elijah called upon God to answer him so the people would see the truth.  So, their hearts would return to God.  The fire of the Lord fell and burned up the sacrifice, the wood, the stones, and the soil, and licked up the water in the trench.  Wow!!!!  What a victory!  Yet, look at what Elijah did after this miraculous victory, HE WAS AFRAID AND RAN FOR HIS LIFE. (1 Kings 19:3)  He didn’t want to be near his servant but went into the desert.  He prayed for that he might die!

Don’t allow physical weakness or breakthroughs rob your spouse or yourself of WHO you belong too.

God’s Word still stands!  Nothing will destroy us because we are more than conquerors through Christ. Although we may be overwhelmed or coming out of the trenches from battle-God is all present!  He is still all-powerful!  And He knows all things!  What’s so beautiful about God’s love and care, God knew what Elijah needed.  God allowed Elijah to sleep. (1Kings 19:5)  God brought substance to feed his body and quench his thirst.  After he was physically strengthened, He returned to the mountain of God. (I Kings 19:8-9)

Your spouse will return to the mountain of God, he will walk with you!  Yet, you must fight the trenches in prayer; the Spirit of God will intercede with you!  So, don’t give up on your marriage, your life, or God!  God’s still destroys the works of the enemy; we just have to call upon His name.

Building strong marriages together,

Tina Wetor

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