wood-structure-floor-75188-oI like to watch home improvement and decorating shows. It’s just fun to see the transformation that can take place in a room or yard.

After living in a home that we’ve been renovating for several years now, I completely understand that those shows give the viewer a false sense of how long real, quality home improvement takes. Days, weeks, and months of hard work and countless decisions are compressed into 30 or 60 minute blocks (less than that if you subtract the time for commercials!). They make it look so effortless.

We can be fooled into thinking about our marriages in similar ways when we are an audience to the marriages around us. We can see how good they look and think that those results can be achieved quickly without lots of thought or labor.

That’s a deception designed to set us up for failure!

But the good news is that God has a better way:

It takes wisdom to build a house,
    and understanding to set it on a firm foundation;
It takes knowledge to furnish its rooms
    with fine furniture and beautiful draperies.

It’s better to be wise than strong;
    intelligence outranks muscle any day.
Strategic planning is the key to warfare;
    to win, you need a lot of good counsel.

Proverbs 24:3-6, The Message

Today, as you think about your marriage relationship, turn to the Lord and ask Him for wisdom!

James 1:5-6a (The Message) says it this way:

If you don’t know what you’re doing, pray to the Father. He loves to help. You’ll get his help, and won’t be condescended to when you ask for it. Ask boldly, believingly, without a second thought.

You belong to the One who holds all of the wisdom you need. Run to Him. Let Him give you the blueprints and tools you need to build your marriage to His design and specifications!

As He reveals His wisdom to you, it will be strategic. God will show you what to do, how to do it, and the order it should be done in.

God doesn’t desire for you to struggle on without results. Ask and obey.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer said this:

“Only the believing obey, only the obedient believe.”

Obeying and believing,
