Tomorrow marks Week 4 of our “Five Thurdays Fast”.
The purpose of the fast tomorrow is to pray for our family members — our children, parents, in-laws, grandchildren, siblings.
Are you preparing for tomorrow, today?
Expect God to meet with you as you devote yourself to Him.
As I fasted last week for my marriage, the Lord impressed several things on me to make a matter of prayer. One of them was “that we would be in unity together.” (this quote is taken directly from my journal from last Thursday)
This idea is true for me in my family relationships as well.
Psalm 133 is a song proclaiming the blessedness of God’s people when they are in unity. The NIV translates David’s song like this:
How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity! 2 It is like precious oil poured on the head, running down on the beard, running down on Aaron’s beard, down upon the collar of his robes. 3 It is as if the dew of Hermon were falling on Mount Zion. For there the LORD bestows his blessing, even life forevermore.
Maybe there is out and out strife in some of your familial relationships. Maybe just a little tension. I have two teenage boys and things can get a little “tense” as I strive to parent them in this new phase of life. (In case you were wondering, I never was a teenage boy so I have been learning in this area!)
This Psalm reminds me that there is blessing in unity.
Do you see the beautiful imagery that David uses in the song? Can you picture the precious oil running down the beard of Aaron the priest? Then dripping off his priestly robe? David says it was as if the dew was falling on Mt. Zion. Mt. Zion — the mountain of God.
The blessings — just dripping like dew!
I want some of that!
I want it for my children, for my sisters and brothers, for my in-laws.
A blessing for my family.
How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!
God is in the restoration business, ladies.
Ask Him to restore unity in your family relationships.
See the blessings run down your family tree!
Excited to pray for my family,
♥ Kim