Today's Imperfect Minute


5-19-2014 7-56-41 AM“If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.” (Ecclesiastes 4:10)

Marriage may have its ups and downs but it’s comforting to know someone is always in your corner.  It’s truly a blessing to be able to encourage your spouse, to speak directly to the heart.  Only the Spirit of God can speak more intimate with our spouse. It’s important to pray for our spouses to hear directly from God so we walk in unity, love, and on the right path.

As I tossed and turned last night my spirit was unwilling to rest………. 

I tried to call out to God, but I felt as if I was just uttering words.  My heart truly needed to be touched, my mind needed peace, and I felt so alone.  Maybe it was the feeling of grief about my dad or worry about life, but I just wanted peace.  No matter how hard I tried, my spirit wouldn’t rest.  So, I stepped out of the bedroom to prevent my husband from getting a good night’s rest.  It was a useless attempt, my husband was very aware of my several attempts to try to sleep.  So, I finally went to my sanctuary-the shower!  It’s quiet, my tears can be hidden, and it’s a great stress reliever.  As the alarm clock read 2:56, it was truly a sign I needed to talk to my husband.

On the following morning I prayed throughout the day for the right opportunity, words to say, and truly seeking for my husband’s support.  I was still hesitant of what the outcome would be during the discussion.  Yet, I needed to express my feelings, my frustrations, and my weakness-feeling so inadequate.  Maybe the recent loss of my father was magnifying it but I was so shocked at Ryan’s response.  It was a quite unique, unexpected, and very powerful.  As my husband gently led me to our living room, he placed a chair in the center of the living-room.  He advised me to sit down and called our children to the living room.  All of the children came out their rooms to find out what their father wanted.  He said, “Mom is sitting in the blessings chair.”  “Whenever anyone needs it, we are called to be a blessing to the one who is sitting in it.” “Right now it’s for your mother.”  “She needs to be blessed, what does she mean to you?”  It was very overwhelming to hear your own children speak blessings into your life.  It was so beautiful to hear, wondered to receive, and uplifting my spirit for sure.  After expressing their gratitude and love, they were advised to pray for me.  Ryan advised our children to pray in the Spirit or from the heart for me.  It wasn’t to be simple prayer, it was to be meant. As all of this un-folded I admit, I was a sobbing mess.  Nevertheless I was completely overwhelmed with all the love, support, and assurance of my family.

My weakness isn’t unique to women; it’s a common one-feeling inadequate or low self-esteem.  It seems it’s easier to receive this message with various television shows, magazines, and social media.  With all of the simple steps to get organized, cook a gourmet meal in 15 minutes or less, and be fashionable in a moment’s notice I admit, I don’t feel adequate to be Martha Stewart, Rachel Ray, or Heidi Klum but God didn’t ask me to be those people.  Praise God!  Now, please don’t misunderstand me, I am not saying it’s not important to cook healthy meals, take care of ourselves, and keep our house in order.  Our families need these things to function on a daily basis, so it’s a family affair to keep those things in check.  Nevertheless, we can lose ourselves with all of the to-do lists, running errands, and folding laundry to miss the beautiful woman God created.

Our worth isn’t based upon our daily chores, our job, or our accomplishments it’s based upon the cross. 

Christ suffered on the cross to prove God’s love was real, it’s personal, and it’s transforming to those who receive it.  God’s love is unconditional, it’s not something I achieve.  It’s something I receive with no strings attached.  God’s love is constant but it’s transforming, He transforms me to belong to Him.  So, I pray if you need to realize what a blessing you are, it’s time to realize that you sit next to Christ in the Heavenlies.   It’s completely a different view from there, we are not alone or defeated!  We are seated with Christ, the Over comer of the World.

Building strong marriages together,

Tina Wetor

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