Bill is nearing retirement and constantly trying to figure out what he wants to do after the Navy. He has thrown “many” ideas at me, but none that he has stuck to. One day he said, “What do you think about me becoming a teacher?” I had just gone through my career path in college and knew that a teacher’s salary starts around $32,000. I told him that wouldn’t be enough to cover our bills and give us a life.
A few months later, Bill and our boys were talking about their decisions concerning what they are going to do after high school. One of them talked about becoming a teacher and Bill said, “That won’t pay your bills son.” I knew as soon as he had said it that I was wrong when I spoke so flippantly before. I should have listened to him, I mean really listened to him and look into his heart. I apologized, but he said it didn’t matter. I knew I had hurt him. I felt like a fool. I was so frustrated that he couldn’t make up his mind that I didn’t count the cost before I spoke.
Anyone who has been married for any length of time realizes that there are things that are better left unsaid. A wife has the ability to hurt her husband more deeply than anyone else can, and he can do the same to her. No matter how much one apologizes, the words cannot be erased. They can only be forgiven and that is not always easy. Sometimes anything we say will only hinder the flow of what God wants to do, and it’s best to keep quiet and pray!
It’s been more than a year since then and Bill has just started sharing with me again about what he wants to do. The other night he asked the question, “Do you think a Christian can be a Christian and a Conservationist at the same time?” I knew instantly what he was asking and told him, “Yes, hon, I do and I think we need more of them.” Later that night he shared with me a deep desire to pursue schools for this and had even looked at career paths for this line of work.
I learned from my mistake and didn’t make the same one when given the chance again. Thank you Lord for second chances and wisdom to learn from my mistakes!!
Lord, I pray over each marriage represented. Give wisdom to each wife for every mistake she has made. Create in us a safe place for our husbands to land. Help us to see that we don’t know everything, even when we think we do, and to learn when to hold our tongues. We thank you, Lord, that you are our provider and we don’t have to look to others to fulfill this need. We love you Lord! In Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen.
In Christ Love, Cherie
Thanks for sharing! These guys always seems so tough that it's hard to imagine we could extinguish an idea! We need to be just as protective about them as we are about our children.
Amen Maryleigh! Well said.. :o)