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photo courtesy of: www.free-predator-pics.com |
As we have moved into our house and are getting settled into our new neighborhood, we were given some very alarming news:
We have a registered sex offender living four doors down.
And not a “he was 18, she was 16 & her parents got mad” type sex offender.
But a real child predator.
Meriam-Webster defines a predator as:
1: one that preys, destroys, or devours
Once we recovered from the horror of this news, we immediately went to work.
The neighborhood children filled in slightly more of the details than Charlie and I would have, but the kids came to understand quickly that there was a “bad man” in the neighborhood and they were to be aware at all times.
We discussed what to do when approached, grabbed, spoken to or watched by a stranger.
We explained what they could and should do if any of the above took place.
They prefer to not play outside alone, but would rather wait for siblings. They already understand that it isn’t wise.
I have become more vigilant in ensuring their location in the yard, checking on them on a much more frequent basis.
You see, it’s not our desire to enstill fear in them. But, there is an enemy and we must careful.
I would be doing my children a disservice to pretend he didn’t exist…one that could have grave ramifications.
But here’s the kicker:
You and I are facing an enemy, a predator of our own.
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. John 10:10
Our enemy, Satan, would love nothing more than to destroy our marriages. And yet, we tend to forget he’s there.
Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.
The first part of that verse (1 Peter 5:8) gives us the tools we need: BE ALERT!
I’m guilty, oh so guilty, of becoming complacent and forgetting that he’s there. He’s prowling around, looking for a foothold. He’s there scheming, plotting, dividing. He’s there slowly chipping away at our marriages.
But I have good news!! (It’s been a little sobering up until now hasn’t it?!)
The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you.
…because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.
We just have to be aware.
I am learning to be more aware of the enemy and his schemes. But I am also learning in greater proportion God’s amazing grace and divine mercy and attentiveness to his children.
And now that I’m aware and armed with God’s word, I’m ready. I’m ready to fight for my husband, my marriage and my children.
Because after all, Greater is He that is in me!
Praying you spend this next week aware and walking in the victory the Lord has for you!