Today's Imperfect Minute


5-7-2014 8-37-14 AMNot only am I in a battle, but WE are in a battle! For our husbands, children, the lost, the lonely, the oppressed; for the stranger who has never known Jesus, and the friend who has fallen away.

We are in a very real war!

And in weeks like this one I feel very defeated. I feel weak, unstable, and at times broken. I feel like I’m failing My Lord, my husband, and my daughter. It’s as though every truth that the Holy Spirit has brought to me is just slipping right through my hand, they are brought to my heart, but I simply can’t grab a hold to them. That’s so frustrating! It’s like knowing the answer without knowing how to write it down, like having the words without being able to speak them.

All I whisper is “Help me Lord”…………..

“The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.” (Proverbs 18:10

As a mother who’s four year old has refused to clean her room for a solid week, even though half her toys are now in boxes, and with no outside play, as a wife who seems to be set off by the littlest of things into a full blown debate, or who’s feelings get the better of her! As a friend who struggles to listen to words spoken to her in love and as a servant to my Lord who simply struggles to hang on to the peace, joy, and contentment her savior gave His life to give her! I feel completely broken!


As I write, I wish I could say all those feelings have gone away, but I can’t, not yet! But, I have A HOPE, His name is Jesus!

“We who have run for our very lives to God have every reason to grab the promised hope with both hands and never let go. It’s an unbreakable spiritual lifeline, reaching past all appearances right to the very presence of God where Jesus, running on ahead of us, has taken up his permanent post as high priest for us.” (Hebrews 6: 18-19

Like an anchor of the soul, firm and steady! I am weak, but HE is strong, so I’m running, like a little girl who has fallen and hurt herself I will keep on RUNNING!! Into the loving arms of my Abba Father, because no matter how broken I am when in HIS presences, I feel whole!

Be encouraged, and remember, HIS grace is sufficient for you, for HIS power is made perfect in weakness! (2 Corinthians 12:9)

Building strong marriages together,

Ashley Ladd


2 Comments on “THE BATTLE

  1. Oh, Ashley, how on time are your words my friend! They are just what I needed to hear. Sometimes, knowing we are not alone in our struggles brings a peace and strength to our spirit we wouldn’t have got any other way. Not that I wish struggles of any kind on my sisters at any time mind you! But if we are struggling, somewhere we are or are meant to make a difference somewhere. Rest in Jesus. Praying for you <3

  2. Absolutely, it let’s us know that we are all struggling together, that we are t werid or odd that struggles are normal 🙂 thank you for your prayers and encouraging words

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