Imperfect Wives


BATTLE SONG OF PRAISEDuring the darkest period of my marriage, I had to make a choice who was going to win the battle for my husband’s heart. Yet, as the words of my husband rang in my ears, “I have decided to walk away from God,” I was determined to fight for it.

Although my husband refused to reveal the reason behind his decision, I felt blindsided.  As the days progressed I didn’t recognized my husband, who was he?

So angry, silent, and wouldn’t come close to me or talk about God.  Yet, I had to wipe away the tears and decided to wage war.

When the sunlight rose, it was my “alarm clock” to awake for battle, the enemy was knocking on my front door. “AS FOR ME AND MY HOUSE WE WILL SERVE THE LORD!” It was my anthem, it was my banner, and it was my battle song! As I would clean the house, take care of the children, or make dinner I never stopped praying for my husband. Whether in words or in the Holy Spirit, I prayed for my husband. The enemy was trying to divide our union, destroy God’s promise upon our lives, and destroy our home. Every night when my husband was sound asleep, I would lay my hands upon his head and pray myself to sleep with tears running down my face.

Darkness wants to intimidate us, but when we call upon the name of Jesus, light enters the room. Light dispels darkness, destroys its power, and gives us a voice to declare the praise of God.  In the middle of this battle, the Lord is going to give you a voice!

What am I thankful for…………..

A SAVIOR WHO IS ALIVE! A SAVIOR WHO LISTENS TO MY CRY, WHO WALKS WITH ME, AND IS A MIGHT WARRIOR! Although the battle rages, my Savior fights with me, for me, and will never allow me to walk in battle alone! So, does it look dark right now? Oh, precious daughter! It’s time to wipe the tears from your eyes and fight! The devil is knocking on the door, he wants entrance into your home-to steal the love, to kill your marriage, and to destroy your faith. YET, OUR FAITH IN GOD OVERCOMES EVERY FIRY DART!

Keep fighting for the heart of your husband even if there is no proof of an answer! GOD WILL ANSWER! Faith keeps knocking on the door until it either it’s answered or falls apart from the ponding. DON’T GIVE UP! Don’t allow the enemy to intimate you and don’t fight alone! There is power in numbers, so find a godly sister who can keep a confidence and will battle the trenches with you in prayer. Oh, what a heartfelt song of praise I give to the Savior!! My husband’s heart is back where it belongs.

Building strong marriages together,

Tina Wetor


  1. Thank you for sharing this part of your journey and victory! I am so grateful for The Imperfect Wives. A place where we can run for prayer, teaching, and encouragement as we battle for our marriages and family. Onward and upward!

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