Imperfect Wives

Anointing Your Home | eBook

Give me 10 minutes and I will teach you the when, where, and how, to anoint your home.  We have our new eBook available.


Teaching wives how to anoint their homes is something I am passionate about doing. Over the years I have been asked by many friends {and some of their friends} if I would come to their homes to anoint them. Time with friends is a blessing for me. It’s an honor for me to do this. However, I can only go to so many homes. My reach is limited.

This e-book extends my reach. In just 10 minutes you will learn the When, the Where, and the How, to anointing your home. The following is what some have said about this new resource:

Marie Kivett, North Carolina
“I’m excited! I don’t currently live in my home, but my home is where I sometimes stay and where my husband lives. I want and desire God to bless each and every inch of my home. From the moment anyone walks in the door, I desire God’s presence would be made known in that person’s life. This is especially important to me for my husband’s life right now. As I said, I’m excited to have this resource!!!”

Amanda Hughes, South Carolina
“This is awesome. So glad that you guys put this together. So many times I’ve counseled/advised women that they need to anoint their homes. This is a great resource for us. Thank you!”

Mary Ann Beckworth, Florida
“I’m so excited to see this. There has been many times that I wanted to anoint my home, but didn’t know the steps to take or what to pray. Thank you for having this available for us.”

You can purchase a copy of Anointing Your Home today!


For the low cost of $4.97 you will have the tools in your hands that will teach you how to anoint for the following areas:

– Anointing your home to set it apart as God’s dwelling place

–  Anointing yourself to lift the burdens and break the strongholds

 – Anointing your family for God’s purpose

but there is more…

You will also learn How to pray and what to pray through each room of your home. You will also be given scriptures and direction on how to pray over yourself and your family from head to toe.

10 minutes is all you need to learn these powerful tools.

Proceeds from this e-Book will go towards helping us continue the work God has given us so much passion to do -To fight for every marriage.

~ Cherie Zack

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