Today's Imperfect Minute

An Everlasting Love

Remember the days of experiencing your “first love?”  The butterflies in your tummy? The lightheadedness you felt as you thought of him?  The emptiness of the day as you longed to see him again, counting the mere seconds until his arrival? The sheer joy that would rise up in side you as you saw him walking up to your door? Hoping for an everlasting love.

Have you encountered God in such a way that you experience the same joys? David did.

O God, You are my God;
Early will I seek You;
My soul thirsts for You;
My flesh longs for You
In a dry and thirsty land
Where there is no water.
So I have looked for You in the sanctuary,
To see Your power and Your glory.

Because Your lovingkindness is better than life,
My lips shall praise You.
Thus I will bless You while I live;
I will lift up my hands in Your name.
My soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness,
And my mouth shall praise You with joyful lips.

When I remember You on my bed,
I meditate on You in the night watches.
Because You have been my help,
Therefore in the shadow of Your wings I will rejoice.
My soul follows close behind You;
Your right hand upholds me.

But those who seek my life, to destroy it,
Shall go into the lower parts of the earth.
They shall fall by the sword;
They shall be a portion for jackals.

But the king shall rejoice in God;
Everyone who swears by Him shall glory;
But the mouth of those who speak lies shall be stopped.
                      Psalm 63 NKJV

Consider again the words in the first line: “Oh God, you are my God.” Is this something that you can say?

The first few verses reflect the beat of my heart as I thought of Bill while we were dating and even during our marriage. But this is not a love letter from David to his bride. It is his love letter to God.

Now let’s turn it around. Read it again – but as God talking to you.  Can you see this is a psalm of the intimacy God longs to have with you?

God designed and created the desire within us to long for a relationship with our husbands. He also designed us to long for Him. To be His bride; fully loving the creator of the universe and the lover of our souls.

Do you know Jesus as your Savior? He is longing for you to know him!

Can you say as David did,”Lord, You are better than life.”

Are you in a love affair with Jehovah Nissi, “The Lord My Banner?” He is in love with you!

“He has brought me to his banquet hall, And his banner over me is love.” 

                                                                              Song of Solomon 2:4

If you have yet to ask Jesus into your heart, I pray that you will today.

Maybe you have Jesus in your heart, but you are desiring more of God in your life. Look again at Psalm 63 and respond to God as He speaks to your soul.

There is a reason we are not fully satisfied without God’s presence in our lives. He uses this to draw us close to Him.

As we celebrate the month of love consider again your love affair with God.

Are you where you want to be in your relationship with Him? Are you trusting Him to the extent you desire to? Are you longing for more time with Him?

I have prayed for you, anticipating that you will draw nearer to God.

His Love for you is Everlasting,
Cherie ♥

4 Comments on “An Everlasting Love

  1. I am so thankful I am God’s and He is mine. The fact He loves me, Just as I am is awesome. But too many times, Christians in general, do not love Him just as He is. They love Him with a love that has conditions. I think we have all been there at some point. I want to love my Lord, with all that I am and let HIS love influence everything I do.

    1. Praying for you, Thelma, as you continue to learn more and more about how deeply God truly loves you. So many things in our past imprison us away from God and His love us for. Praying these strongholds will break in all of us.


  2. I never thought of this as Him reading it to me! I love that!! That is truly how He much He longs for us to come to Him as well. Thanks so much for sharing this Cherie! Love your heart for our Lord and for sharing His love with all of us!!

    Love ya!

    1. Me too, Nicole. I remember someone along my path challenged me to read the bible as Gods love letter to me. This completely changed my thinking about Gods words! I wish I could remember who it was so I could give them credit. Humbled that God used me to touch you!!

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