Imperfect Wives


ADORNING OUR CHARACTERYour adornment must not be merely external—braiding the hair, and wearing gold jewelry, or putting on dresses; but let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God. (I Peter 3:-3-4)

These days most movies or television shows portray the husband as a joke. Other television shows or movies portray a fighting husband or wife. It’s not hard to see that our society does not value authority or marriage. Women are degrading and men are disrespected. It’s sad and heartbreaking really. What God created and blessed, we have defiled with our sinfulness.

Will we allow Him to refine us? Will we allow Him to penetrate our hearts with His Word? Oh how we should desire both! Our marriages can help prepare us for how we respond to Jesus as His Bride. We should adorn ourselves not only outwardly with jewelry, make-up, and pretty clothes, but we should adorn ourselves with charity, kindness, meekness, goodness, and faithfulness. That matters much more to our Lord than how beautiful we are outwardly.

The inner-ward parts of the hidden man are seen by GOD and displayed through our actions.

It’s so important to be careful how we treat our husbands who are a gift from God. It’s also important to realize how we view marriage. Do we see our marriage as a curse or a blessing? If you look around we know what many think, but what do we, women of God think about marriage? We’re to see it as holy and sacred. It’s so precious to God. It’s a picture of Jesus and His Church. I would say that’s pretty important then. We have the opportunity as women of God to make a difference in our lives and the world through our marriages. God wants to really use and work through each one of us.

I encourage each of you to examine your heart and your minds. Ask God to reveal to you ways you are dishonoring Him in your marriage and have a heart that seeks to be changed. It’s so vitally important to renew our minds with God’s Word every day and seek to please Him. Our husbands are our ministry. We’re to minister to them first and in doing so we serve the Lord.

Take a moment to pray with me……….

Lord, thank You for our husbands. Thank You for the creation of marriage, the union of one man and one woman. Thank You for setting it apart and sanctifying it. May we love our husbands as You desire us too. May we respect them and treat them in a manner that honors You. Even when it’s hard to do so God, give us the strength and power to do so. May Your Spirit lead us as we be the wife You desire.

In Jesus’ name, Amen

Building strong marriages together,

Heather Strickland


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