Today's Imperfect Minute

A New Name

Interestingly enough, God must shake His head and laugh at me sometimes.

I mean really.
All my trying and all my doing must look ridiculous to my Heavenly Father!
I am a “fixer” by nature.
I am a friend, a wife, a mom and a sister who wants life clean and messes to be fixed. I want everyone to like each other, to be in harmony with each other, and I want to lend a hand when situations need…well…fixing.
This is true in my marriage as well. I see my role as “fixer.”
I want to fix a problem or at least help fix a problem that’s bothering my husband.
Instead, recently, God is showing me the error of my ways. Bless my “fixing” heart, the Lord has shown me that “fixing” is not my role.
The Savior has redeemed me and bought me with a price. He has given His life for mine.
And you know what?
He is the Great Fixer: the Savior of our Souls!
My attempts at fixing stuff are utterly futile because He has told me to get on task with Him. When He redeemed me, He became the “Fixer” and I became the one who was being repaired. Sanctification (the process of becoming Holy), then, is His maintenance, His upkeep in my life. It is I who must yield to His repairs and His solutions to the “messes”…both in my life and my husband’s.
Wow! What peace of mind this gives me! The “need to want to fix it” is diminished as I yield to His perfect Spirit in me!
Yes, He cares for me and He cares for my marriage!
I think I’ll give myself a new name: Yielder.

I love how Jesus teaches us in the very ways in which our own personal nature is predisposed. He lovingly draws me in as “The Fixer of My Soul.”

Not a line for a great hymn, but nonetheless…Jesus, Fixer of My Soul…Jesus, I’ll never let you go.


Kim Brooks graciously agreed to join our Imperfect Wives team recently and we are so glad she did! Kim and Keith, her terrific husband, have been serving the Lord and His people for many years. Please read more about Kim here on her biography page. Just look under “TIW Team” and click on Kim’s name. Please leave a comment to let her know that you’re glad she’s joined us and that her post has encouraged you today!

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