Today's Imperfect Minute

A Hero and a Princess

Do you remember the story of David and Michal?

Their story seems to be one that fairy tales are made of: the handsome hero wins the right to marry the beautiful princess, who just happens to be in love with him. Despite several obstacles, they marry and the hero eventually becomes the king.

Couldn’t get any better, right?


Somewhere between 1 Samuel 18:20 {where Michal reveals her love for David to her father, then-king Saul} and 2 Samuel 6:16, things fall apart.

As King David rejoices over the ark of the covenant being brought into Jerusalem (that’s his passion, remember!), Michal is doing just the opposite.

As the ark of the LORD was entering the City of David, Michal daughter of Saul watched from a window. And when she saw King David leaping and dancing before the LORD, she despised him in her heart.  2 Samuel 6:16

Have you ever been tempted to despise your husband?

Have you ever been embarrassed by the very thing he’s passionate about?

Have you ever just wished he were somehow more or less a certain way?

Have you ever forgotten to think of your husband as an individual, a unique person, a man with hopes and dreams, challenges and internal struggles?

{Don’t raise your hand here…I want to protect all of us “guilty” ones!}

It’s all-too-common to think of our spouse in terms of what he does (or doesn’t do) for us and our family…to dehumanize him in a way.

But I have good news for all of us imperfect wives:

When you repent, you are forgiven.

You are also given a new opportunity to do things the right way.

That’s where this Thursday’s fast comes in.  If you find yourself somehow being less than a selfless, giving wife to the husband God has given you, now’s your chance to do something to bless him!

This Thursday, the fast is for your husband.  Not for your marriage.  Just for your husband as a son of the King, a mighty man of God (or a man who will one day, by faith, be a mighty man of God!), and as an individual who is precious to God.

This is your chance to humble yourself and fast for your man without wondering what’s in it for you.

This is the time to honor him and lift him up before the Lord for more abundant blessings than he has ever received.

Now is the time to lay aside that temptation to be like Michal.

Together, with God, you can see that your hero and his princess have an ending to their story that brings glory to God and honor to your husband!

With anticipation!


Image via Pinterest


3 Comments on “A Hero and a Princess

  1. I’m glad we are raising hands, because I was already in the midst of raising mine. I honestly had never thought of myself in light of Michal reactions and yet I’ve done it. However, just this weekend my husband stepped out in an area, testing it sort of, and I prayed that I would join him with an open mind, because my first thoughts were more like Michal’s. Thank you for this post and for this new insight into me!

  2. This is the perfect choice for this week. My husband has been practically bedridden for a week now. We go to the doctor tomorrow to see what steps can be taken so he can walk again. This, of course has given me the perfect opportunity to serve him, cheerfully, as unto the Lord. I am at he beck and call. Spreading out a towel to allow him to eat in bed. Teasing him to cheer him up and telling him how handsome he is even when he cannot shower. Going and getting him his favorite meal. Bring home snacks for him. It will be an honor to fast for this man God gave me. I am so proud of him. He read the entire New Testament in this last week. Praying for God to open doors for him and use him. It is an honor to serve him too just like I would if it was Jesus.

  3. Love this Rebecca!! And the only thing I can think to say is… You’re on!! Ready for Thursday! This is going to be great!!

    Love ya!!

    The more I continue to praise my hubby the better things are here… hmm… wonder why!?! 🙂

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