Imperfect Wives

A Gift and A Challenge

Romantic Couple Exchanging Christmas Gifts At Home

A Gift and a Challenge.

The greatest gift we can give to our husbands is prayer! And not just at Christmas, but every day. Maybe God is nudging you to start praying for your husband but your hesitating or even resisting because you’re not sure where to begin.

Below is a great place to start. I have put together a few verses in prayer format for you to pray over your husband. You can even pray these over yourself! I’ve included a bonus prayer printable you can print and put in your Bible for easy access. But before we get started, here are two challenges for you:

1. Consider keeping a journal of your prayer time. Journaling will help you “see” the growth in your husband as you pray for him.

2. Find an accountability partner (another wife) and invite her to pray with you. Having someone to pray with will encourage you both to continue to pray for your husband. This also cultivates a place where both can grow in the process. Consider someone from your church family or a neighbor that you don’t know as well. Invite her to meet for coffee and share this challenge with her. Maybe she has been praying for someone to pray with as well.

The following are 10 prayers covering your husband from his head to his feet.

His Head –That he will look to God as Lord of his life. (1 Corinthians 11:3)

His Mind – That he will have the mind of Christ and think as the 
Holy Spirit would lead him verses being lead by his flesh. (1 Corinthians 2:16)

His Eyes –That You will keep his eyes from temptation and that he will turn his eyes from sin. (Matthew 6:13, Mark 9:47)

His Ears – That he will hear Your still small voice instructing him. (1 Kings 19:12, Psalm 32:8)

His Mouth – That his words will be pleasing to You. (Proverbs 19:1)

His Neck – That he will humble himself before You and be strong, courageous, and careful to do everything written in Your Word so that he would be prosperous and successful. (James 4:10, Joshua 1:8-9)

His Heart – That he will love and trust You with his whole heart. (Deuteronomy 6:5, Proverbs 3:5)

His Arms – That You will be his strength. (Psalm 73:26)

His Hands – That he will enjoy the work of his hands and see it as a gift from You. (Ecclesiastes 3:13, 5:19)

His Feet – That You will order his steps and that he will walk in Your truth. (Proverbs 4:25, Psalm 26:3)

BONUS: Click here to download a printable of 10 Powerful Prayers covering his spiritual health and growth: 10 Prayers

Do you accept this challenge? Leave a comment that you are joining us and follow over to our group Imperfect Wives on Facebook. Comment section is located above next to the title of this post. We will be praying for those of you who join us.

– Cherie

21 Comments on “A Gift and A Challenge

    1. Yay, Christi!! So excited you are joining us! Adding your name to our prayer list. The team will be praying for you and the friend you invite to join you in prayer. Would love to hear how you both are doing. Leave us a comment with an update on how you ladies are doing and any prayer requests you have for us when you get a moment. We want to hear from you. <3

  1. I accept this challenge. I pray for him all the time but not specifically the way you have laid it out. Thank you for your dedication to our marriages.

    I’m going to share this with a friend that God has sent me who has never been married but has been hurt severely. She wants to be married and have children. And then she meets me…haha. God has such a sense of humor. But as I read this He laid her on my heart for us to pray for her husband, wherever he is.

    1. This is awesome Marie!! I will be praying with you for her heart to be healed and new life to begin for her! You are going to be a sweet blessing to her. Thank you for saying “Yes” to the challenge. God is going to use you as a beautiful blessing in her life.

  2. challenge joyfully accepted! thanks, cherie, for the printout, too. may God ABUNDANTLY bless each of these hubbies being prayed over…head to foot. <3

    1. Yay, Coleen!! I’m encouraged you are taking the challenge!! We will be praying for you and the friend you choose… Asking God to work miracles in both of your marriages. He is faithful to complete His work to the end. Amen!! Love you!
      – Cherie

    1. Excited to have you joining us Lucille. I’m adding you to our list to lift in prayer during this challenge. Please let us know how we can serve you and make sure to join our Imperfect Wives groups for support if you haven’t already.

  3. I am accepting this challenge. I believe keeping a journal this time will make the prayer time even more exciting. I like the list to keep me focused too. Agreeing with you all for your husband!

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