The Face-Heart Connection

Sometimes (usually) my face gives me away. I am not always very good at hiding my true feelings. Those who know me (my hubby, especially) can usually tell what I am thinking, good or bad.
And that’s good and bad.
It’s bad because my feelings aren’t always “redeemed.” Sometimes my feelings aren’t what I’d like them to be and I sure would like it if I could hide those emotions until I can find a quiet place and time to address whatever it is that I need to address. I appreciate a bit of privacy when dealing with those negatives.
It’s good because when I’m happy, thrilled, or delighted with someone or something, it shows so plainly on my face that my expression only serves to reinforce the positive emotions that I’m feeling.
For many years, I have been striving to moderate the facial expressions that portray any kind of frustration, anger, or disappointment. I’ve had mixed results.
I guess being aware is the part of the battle.
My prayer for myself today is that my face would mirror the love that my heart holds for Jesus. No matter the circumstances, I want to display my love for Him and His for me, especially toward my husband!
I hope you join me in this prayer today.