Today's Imperfect Minute

31 Days of Encouragement

Truly Wise
Let me share an experience with you…a rare one where I learned a valuable lesson in a not-so-painful way. (Trust me when I say that is not usually the case…I seem to need to learn most lessons the hard way so I can remember them!) Today I was faced with a difficult situation and I was tempted to say things that I shouldn’t say. Fortunately, it all started when I was barely awake and for some reason, I was able to stay quiet (maybe it was the lack of caffeine?!).
Because I was quiet, I was able to hear the voice of the Lord telling me to stay quiet and not speak anything about the situation. Continuing to be quiet, I was able to hear His voice, giving directions about how to handle this challenge.
Long story short, because I was quiet and obedient, the Lord completely resolved our situation in less than twelve hours. The problem was solved with no cost to us (saving us hundreds of dollars)!
When you and your husband are faced with difficulties, let me encourage you to use few words and stay even-tempered. Even if you are lacking understanding in the natural, God can supernaturally give you the wisdom you are lacking and solve the problem for you.
The added bonus? Less tension between you and your spouse. It’s a good thing!
Grateful for His guidance,

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