Today's Imperfect Minute

10 Things You Continually Hear From Us…

…here at the Imperfect Wives.

1. Husbands “always” need a safe place to land. We can’t stress this enough. Learn to be this place for them. Give them a reason to want to turn around.

2. When you are wrong in the situation always be quick to admit it and ask for forgiveness.

3. Never underestimate the power you have in your prayers! You have entered a covenant with God in your marriage. He hears your prayers.

4. Someone once said, “Let consequences do their job.” Both sides need to learn from mistakes. Though you may want to pull a “Madea” on your husband, let the Holy Spirit hit him on the head. He will always do a much better job chastising him than you will.

5. When in doubt, always turn to the Bible for answers. Our heart here at The Imperfect Wives is to always point you right back to Jesus in every circumstance.

6. DO NOT RUN! Don’t run when things get tough. Instead, dig those cute feet of yours in even deeper, not giving satan a chance at your marriage.

7. Always, always, always guard your heart. The enemy is always looking for a weak spot to enter in.

8. Be willing to open your heart to others in the same situation you are in. God wants to use you right where you are and both marriages will be blessed for this.

9. Always keep the lines of communication open between you and husband.

10. Don’t Give Up! The Holy Spirit is always at work in your prayers. Though your circumstances may indicate otherwise, you never know when God is about to turn your husband’s heart around. Amen!

Doing these 10 things will cultivate the same beauty and fragrance in your marriage the pink roses represent!

We love you guys and are praying for each of your marriages,


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