In faithful obedience, we have unknowingly created a REVOLUTION and we are calling this 2000STRONG. In 2010 God spoke to me as I was walking into my closet putting away laundry. He tends to talk with me when I’m doing the mundane things. He said to me,
“I’m calling you to raise up an Army of Women.”
I didn’t know at the time what God meant. However, I was excited because there is fight in my bones especially where marriage is concerned. (You can read my story here) This revolution is the very same Army of Women God has been talking to me about for the last 12 years. Women who are standing in the GAP ON THE FRONT LINES for other women, locking arms together with passion for a greater purpose! The vision God has given me for this Army of WOMEN is to advance His design for marriage by standing in prayer on God’s word for marriages that are in trouble, crises, or just need to be strengthen. And we are accomplishing this by standing on the front lines in prayer for marriages 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
You are invited to join our REVOLUTION by becoming a monthly missions partner with $25 or more. Your support will help sustain and help grow Imperfect Wives & Fighting For Your Marriage Ministry. To be counted among our 2000STRONG click —> JOIN US. Your monthly donation to our missions account on AG Giving is your registration. Email me at letting us know you have set up your giving and we will email you a direct invitation to join our 2000STRONG Community on Facebook. It takes a few days for new partners to show on our missions reports. We’d like to get you started the same day if we can.
We have a special gift for our first 200STRONG partners to mark the beginning of what God is doing and to bless you!
I’m sure you’re asking yourself, Am I the right person to stand in the gap for these marriges? Your gifts will be mailed to you once your register with your Faith Promise on AG’s giving link. We are excited for you to receive your gifts!
[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text admin_label=”Do you meet the requirements” _builder_version=”4.27.0″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”]- Do you have a passion for people and the Gospel and to see marriages redeemed from the clutch of the enemy?
- Are you tired of watching the marriages around you crumble in divorce?
- Is your desire to see marriages not just saved but thriving?
- Do you have a desire to pray for others, standing in the gap for them through intercession to see God move on their behalf?
If you answer YES to these questions you are just who we are looking for!
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[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text admin_label=”Missions Disclaimer” _builder_version=”4.20.4″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”]The women within 200 STRONG know the full power of God that’s available to us and we’re passionate about seeing God’s Power work in the lives of the marriages we are called to stand in the gap for. We are First Responders. When a wife needs prayer for her marriage we are here, ready to fight for them in a moments notice. We have answered the call to be the vessels God is looking to use for His will and purpose for saving marriages. If you are struggling in your marriage or facing divorce this is the team you want interceding on your behalf. ~ Michelle Flagg / 200 STRONG Member
As a 200STRONG member you have incredible value to us and because of this we want to sow into you. You will receive the following:
- Membership to our 200STRONG Private Community.
- Not everyone feels confident in the area of prayer and others want to grow in their prayer life. You will receive teaching and instructions on how to build your prayer life along with practical applications via Zoom with our Prayer Leader and the 200STRONG Army of Women.
- Coaching with Cherie for your marriage as well.
- Prayer request from across the Nation that are kept in private. We are already receiving many and excited to have a community to help us on these frontlines!
FFYM & Imperfect Wives Ministry is a 501c3 ministry with the Assemblies of God
Your monthly gift of $25 or more is tax deductible and a receipt will be sent to you for tax purposes via the Assemblies of God. Our 200 Strong Partners will be added to our 200 STRONG Circle group where prayer request and more will be shared in private. From the bottom of our hearts and our team, Thank You! Thank you for giving a monthly Faith Promise to support our missions. Our mission as missionaries is to serve pastors, churches and their communities by planting Imperfect Wives groups within churches across the Nation. 200STRONG will come along side this mission by praying and interceding for the churches and Pastors and their wives.
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