Today's Imperfect Minute

What Are You Bringing?

surprise-treasure-christmas-32712-lYesterday, January 6, 2013, was Epiphany.

Many of us aren’t really sure what that means in the Christian calendar, so here’s a little lesson:

Epiphany is celebrated by many Christians around the world as the official end to the Christmas season. It’s also known as “Three Kings Day” and the focus is on the three wise men bringing their gifts to Jesus.

For me, however, when I hear the word “epiphany” I think of a moment of sudden revelation or insight. An “aha!” moment.

I had an epiphany yesterday. (Kind of appropriate, right?!)

We were singing the Christmas carol “As With Gladness Men of Old” and got to the third verse, which goes like this:

As they offered gifts most rare
At that manger rude and bare;
So may we with holy joy,
Pure and free from sin’s alloy,
All our costliest treasures bring,
Christ, to Thee, our heavenly King.

{I know that historically, the wise men didn’t see Jesus at the manger. However, I want to focus on the fact that they brought precious, expensive gifts to Him.}

As I sang these unfamiliar words, I wondered what my “costliest treasures” are, so I had a little conversation with the Holy Spirit right there where I stood.

It went like this:

Me: What are my “costliest treasures”?

Holy Spirit: Your time. It cannot be replaced once it is gone. That makes it priceless.

That was it.

I know that isn’t a new concept. Not to me or to you, I’m sure. Much has been written about the value of our time.

However, in light of what the Lord has been speaking to me for the past month or so, it was significant.

The Lord has been highlighting Matthew 6:33 to me, which says, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (NIV)

This verse speaks to my thoughts and decisions about how I spend my time: my first priority needs to be God and His kingdom and righteousness. When I’ve got that right, everything else gets taken care of.

Oh, how I need everything else to be taken care of!

So, I am bringing Jesus my costliest treasure: my  time.

What are you going to bring to Jesus this year?

With love and prayers,


image via everystockphoto


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