Today's Imperfect Minute

Thought For Today

We’ve been praying for our husbands protection long enough now to know that God stands to defend them against those who come against them, right?

A thought occurred to me this morning as my thoughts were on Bill. Is God having to defend him from me as well? God challenged me to search my heart to find the answer. And the answer is… unfortunately, Yes!

The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will have no lack of gain. She does him good, and not harm, all the days of her life. Proverbs 31: 11~12

I found that there are areas I need to work on. One being, holding my tongue. Bill doesn’t always have to hear what I think. Most times he just needs me to listen. I realized that there are times I have shared instead of listened and this has brought discouragement rather than encouragement. Arghh!!

This imperfect wife still has a ways to go.

What area’s is God showing you? Can you find a place where you are imperfect?

Praying for our wives,

Cherie ♥

Don’t forget to follow us over to our new home Launch date, December 1st!

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