God is calling us to love one another no matter what, but what happens when our love for our husbands is tested by the things they do or say? Choosing to act in obedience in spite of our feelings will help us in cultivating the right feelings and right responses. God can use us when we choose to obey.
Cherie ♥
What a great reminder!! When we stay in Gods word, loving our spouse even when he doesnt deserve it sure comes easier. Always remembering what Jesus did for US is a great reminder why I forgive and love my husband everyday!!
Thanks for the reminder girl!!
Serving with Joy
Cheri, I love the Thought for Today. It always comes when I need it most.
Sonya and Michelle, thank you so much for your sharing with us!
This lesson goes back to a night in my room when a friend read a letter to me from her friend about somethings going on in her own life. She read, God is calling you to the extreme. She she said this it exploded all in me.. What God said to me was He is calling me to the extreme. Jesus has continually been teaching me what this means for me and my marriage. He wants it in my foundation at all cost. And I do mean cost.. It's not easy to walk away from Bills words to me especially when I spent most of our marriage firing back at him when he would say hurtful things. Now… God wants to me love him despite what he says…
It was a hard lesson and sometimes still is but Bill is becoming more and more the husband I have always longed and prayed for!!
There is great reward when we choose to Obey God. He truly makes all things work together for our good. ♥
I stumbled upon this blog and am in love with it. I hope you don't mind but I shared it with the readers on my blog http://godsgirlramble.blogspot.com. I am also your newest follower!
Hi Casey,
So glad you found us. Thank you for added our button to your blog! We will be praying for you and your beautiful family. You can Join us on FB as well. Just click the FB link on the right. Rebecca or I will approve you as soon as we see your request.
Love, Cherie
Beautiful message and blog.
God bless you!
Great message. I really needed this today in my marriage. We are seperated and loving from afar and loving despite the sometimes not so great actions is SOOO tough. I am just glad Jesus forgives me and keeps working in me!
Thanks for keeping this blog up!
God can use us when we choose to obey <– I agree to this statement 100%
Story Of A Woman
Hi Mrs. Lisa.
So glad to have you here as well. I tried to add you to PWC but I couldn't find your button on your blog.
Mylene, you know it sista!!
Supermaslady, I love reading your thoughts. And your name, we should all think of our selves as Super Man Lady! Love it. :o)