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Would you like to join our team?
Does your heart break when you hear stories of people giving up and walking away from their marriages? Maybe you are feeling that tug in your heart that is telling you to share your story and passion for marriage with other wives. We understand that tug and have learned there is great power in saying yes to God’s leading and timing. So, where do you start?
Our mission
Our Vision
Our Vision is Building stronger marriages together by inspiring wives through God’s Word to fight to save their marriage through discipleship training and teaching them to be proactive in their faith by showing them who they are in Christ and finding their value in Jesus, allowing them to fully experience the life God designed them to live.
Why Are We Doing This?
First, I fought for my own marriage for 8 years. You can read my story HERE! I have seen wives’ hearts turn back to their husband and grow closer to God as I work with them. Our mission is to continue the same work but on a greater scale by expanding our reach to local churches and communities starting in West Florida. Through Imperfect Wives Groups we are giving women the encouragement, revelation, understanding, and strength needed to STAND for their marriage in the way God has designed us to.
What Does an Imperfect Wives Group look like?
The atmosphere I like to cultivate in our groups is an atmosphere of prayer and learning, where women are free to laugh, cry, and celebrate each other’s victories. The Imperfect Wives group format will give women a safe place to land allowing them to be transparent in their needs and weaknesses and the safety to share the hard things within reason and without judgment. I have seen wives’ hearts turn back to their husband and grow closer to God as I work with them because they feel safe and valued. Local Imperfect Wives leaders are trained to create the same atmosphere keeping in line with our vision, mission, and values.
How Are we accomplish this?
We can accomplish this with women like you! I can’t do this by myself any more. Nor do I want to. God is in the multiplication ministry. We are creating a network of wife coaches/leaders trained by Cherie who are supporting the wives within their church and communities via Imperfect Wives groups. Our focus is discipleship. accountability, and encouragement. Each of our leaders are trained in how to walk in the trenches with the wives in their group – Titus 2 women whoa re fighting for both the husband and the wife alongside the wife.
And secondly, by adding more local groups meeting in churches, homes, and other venues. As God opens more doors for Cherie to share her story, more opportunities for women will open for them to connect with other wives and grow in their walk with the Lord and their husband.
Ready to sign up? Here is what you can expect when you register to start a group
As a member of our team, Cherie will walk you through our 3 levels of training to get you ready to lead your first season of Imperfect Wives. You will have access to our Video Coaching Library found in our Leaders group on Circle. Cherie will not only inspire you, she will help you grow stronger in your understanding of the Bible and your walk with God.
Marketing Tools
- Download templates, logos, and more to promote your group in your area. {these items are found on our website}
- We will add your group to our Imperfect Wives group Search page so other wives can find you. We will also promote your group throughout our platform.
Other Helps
- Group sessions with our coaches to train you in the areas of Leadership, Marriage, and Prayer.
- Training to learn how to use Social Media to benefit you and your group when using this area to promote your Imperfect Wives group online.
- Monthly meetings with Cherie and the leadership team focused on encouraging you in your positions and to update you on everything going on with Imperfect Wives and our ministry.
- A “Private” leadership group on Circle to chat and grow with the overall Imperfect Wives team.
Annual Retreat
We held our first Retreat this past October. It was a great success. Our annual retreats are focused on inspiring and encouraging our group leaders in their positions and their marriages.
- Receive valuable tools to help you grow in your walk with God and as an Imperfect Wives small group Leader.
- Take classes and received certification in certain areas.
- Connect with other leaders in your area and across the US and overseas.
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Is God calling you to lead a local Imperfect Wives group? Click below to get started on this incredible journey.
New Leader Application Form
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