7-25-2014 9-40-55 AMI was given a book about three years ago by a very dear friend. She was walking with me through a hard time in my marriage and suggested that I begin praying for my husband and marriage. So I did, and the prayers in that book were powerful and full of scripture. I kind of expected quick results, but things just seemed to get worst; one would conclude that those prayers had gone unanswered.

About a year ago, I felt lead to reach for that book again, and began to pray the prayer titled “His Wife.” As I read, I was utterly speechless.


The fruits of that prayer were evident now. I knew God was working in me, but it wasn’t until I read the words to that old prayer, that I realized the changes he had made in me were actually answered prayer. The feeling I had in that moment was overwhelming gratitude.

We all want quick results, but in all honesty we are talking about the changing of a human heart; patience is a requirement!

The year prior to this was one of the hardest in my marriage by far, but in that desperation I found myself on my knees in prayer; it was those quite moments that GOD truly met me. He changed my heart and my perspective. He showed me who He was and His own heart. It was during this storm that the answers to my prayers were being worked out because I yielded myself to Him and let him “change me.”

“I will bring that group through the fire and make them pure. I will refine them like silver and purify them like gold. They will call on my name, and I will answer them. I will say, ‘These are my people,’ and they will say, ‘The LORD is our God.'” (Zechariah 13:9)

I pray for my husband because prayer is a powerful tool God uses to work in our lives. I pray because I love him and I want all that God has for him. I pray for him instead of fighting with him because it changes my perspective and it changes my attitude. I pray because he is my best friend and I know firsthand what happens when God is invited into the situation. I pray because I have seen the changes God has already made in his life and our marriage. I pray because in His presence I find joy, I pray because through my Prayers…. He works!

Be encouraged and remember you are clothes in the righteousness of Christ, your prayers are heard, and they carry great power. Because he bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath! (Psalms 116:2)

Building strong marriages together, 

Ashley Ladd