Today's Imperfect Minute

Let's Make a Deal!

I’m not one for gambling.  Or taking big risks. 

I like a sure thing.  You know, I like to play it safe, weigh my options, take my time to make a decision.

I’m a creature of habit by nature.  I like structure, order, and predictability.  (Those of you who know me well know that this is true!)

The phrase, “A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush,” resonates with my sensibilities.

If I were on the game show “Let’s Make a Deal,” I wouldn’t be very excited about the prospect of choosing between doors one, two, or three and potentially losing a good prize for the sake of some unknown bad prize…even with the opportunity to win a better prize than the one I was holding.  I’m just that way.

But then…God enters the equation of my situations and I find myself doing things outside of my comfort zone.

When I feel the prompting of the Lord to do something out of my comfort zone, I have learned that I should do what I’m feeling prompted to do.

I have figured out that picking what’s behind “Door Number Two” when God’s opening that door isn’t a risk at all!

I am learning more deeply that the Lord’s plans for me are good.

And sometimes those plans don’t appear structured, logical, or predictable.

But they are GOOD!

Those kinds of plans usually always catch me off guard.  They mean a course-correction {or at the very least, a detour} and cause me to surrender my plans for what comes next.

Jeremiah talks about God’s plans in these verses (Jeremiah 29:11-13):

“For I know the plans I have for you,” 
declares the Lord,
“plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you hope and a future.  
Then you will call upon me and find me 
when you seek me with all your heart.”

Now, you may be wondering what this has to do with being an imperfect wife.

Just this:  what “deal” is God offering you today?

Is He offering beauty for ashes?  The oil of gladness instead of mourning?  A garment of praise to replace a spirit of despair?  (Isaiah 61:3)

Is He offering you peace in your home in place of strife?  Love instead of hate?  Forgiveness and grace as an alternative to bitterness and resentment?

These are just a portion of the promises God has made to those who follow Him.

Throughout the Old Testament, there are numerous places where it is recorded that all of the Lord’s “good promises” are fulfilled. (Emphasis added.)

And in 2 Corinthians 1:20-22, Paul reminds us of this:

“For no matter how many promises 
God has made, 
they are ‘Yes’ in Christ.
And so through him the ‘Amen’ is spoken
by us to the glory of God.  
Now it is God who makes both us and you
stand firm in Christ. 
He anointed us, set his seal of ownership on us,
and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit,
guaranteeing what is to come.”

So, if you’re like me and you don’t naturally want to take a risk, think again.

And pray.

Your risk may be trusting that God will take care of you and your family as you submit to your husband.

Or walking through a job or career change with your husband.

Or sharing your testimony of God’s faithfulness in your life.

You may be worried or afraid of a multitude of things and need to risk simply trusting God with the details of your life instead of fretting over them habitually.

God is faithful.  His promises are sure.

Big or small…take that risk, that opportunity.  God’s there.  He’s got you covered.

He’s not going to leave you holding the booby prize.

He’s going to make sure you come out a winner!

Risking it all for God,


P.S.  I sure do hope you join me.  Let me know what you’re choosing to risk out of obedience to the Lord!


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