Meet The Team

cherie blog pic Cherie Zack | Founder

Cherie has been ministering to women for more than 10 years. Cherie is a certified Biblical counselor in the areas of Marriage, Family and Women’s Ministry. As well as being the founder of The Imperfect Wives, in 2010 Cherie was appointed Director of the South Carolina AG District Council Women’s Ministry Department where she serves more than 100 pastors and women’s ministry groups. She also serves as a board member for The Jubilee Market a ministry that is teaching girls the skills they need to flourish in life after being rescued from human trafficking.

Cherie is seeking a bachelor’s degree in psychology with an emphasis in Christian counseling through Liberty University. She is passionate about her marriage, family and women’s ministry and loves every minute of each! Cherie and Bill have been married for 19 years and have 4 children and 1 grandchild.  Cherie can be reached at


Veronica CorwinVeronica Corwin | Imperfect Wives Ambassador

Veronica Corwin is a crazy, fun loving, just wild about Jesus mama of 5 of His soldiers in training! She has been married for 15 years to her God mate Wes, and they are a military family! She is a stay at home mom and entrepreneur, and she homeschool her 4 youngest, as her oldest graduated last year. Veronica is also the Ambassador for The Imperfect Wives Ministry and leads an Imperfect Wives local group in her area. As a family, they have faced many struggles, and have found their Faith in God to be enough to get them through anything that comes their way. Veronica relies heavily on the Word of God and prayer to help her through some tough situations, and it has been her hearts desire for quite sometime to be able to share all this wisdom she has obtained over the years to help and encourage other moms with their struggles!

ReneeRenee Parker| State and Local Leader Coordinator

Renee’ is married to her husband Dwight for 14 years.  Between the two of them they have 7 children and 11 grandchildren.  Renee was born and raised in Upstate NY and moved to Clinton, NC in 2006, where her, her husband and oldest granddaughter currently reside. Renee’ has 12 years of experience in administration, property and business management.  She has a Associates of Arts in Business Administration.  She is now enjoying the benefits of being a stay at home wife.  It has taken her many years to learn to be the wife God called her to be and is so grateful for God’s grace that has sustained her marriage.  She can be reached at

Leanne 2 - CopyLeanne Ilges | Blog Manager

Leanne is married to her amazing husband John, who retired from the Army in May of 2012. They currently reside in the San Antonio, Texas area. John is her second marriage, and between the both of them have 5 children; 3 girls, and two boys. Leanne works full-time for HP as a Business Analyst, but considers this her second job. Her first job being wife and mother to the family GOD has called her to be. She has learned how to be a wife and mother through the trials of life. Leanne is the Blog Manager for Imperfect Wives. She can be reached at



Deb HeadshotDeborah Sewell | Intercessory Prayer Leader 

Deborah turned her heart toward The Imperfect Wives Club in 2010, where she realized if she had such a fellowship in her life years ago, she might not have been divorced.  She then decided to help Cherie and the leaders in any way possible to stand for marriages. Deborah now serves as Intercessory Prayer Leader; leading prayer and fasting days in the club and praying for the daily needs posted. She loves adding her two mites of encouragement wherever possible, especially in the chat room during The Imperfect Wives Radio program. Her latest joy is leading a local Imperfect Wives Club, keeping her Titus 2 season flowing with blessing. Deb can be reached at:




Reginah NdungeReginah Ndunge | Director, Imperfect Wives -Africa

Regina Ndunge was born at a remote village eastern of Kenya called Kitonyini in Machakos county. She has been married for 19 years to her husband Isaac Mungai. They pastor a church in their local community and have 4 children, 3 boys and 1 girl. Reginah currently directs 12 groups in Kenya Africa and is developing more. She is in school full time taking ministerial classes and is looking forward to graduation.

Reginah understands the pressures of ministry and marriage. The enemy sought to destroy her marriage five years. This is her story: I went to the internet and googled the signs of how I was feeling and the answer was depression, accompanied by stress and its said can cause paralyze.  When I read I found it was true what I was feeling was depression. I cried to God and prayed, fasted and because I love my husband so much not forgetting where he found me and whom I am today I could not  stop crying and praying asking God so many questions. While in Google I saw program called I opened the site. At the far end I saw the Imperfect Wives ministry. I was like Imperfect? I’m not perfect.  I opened the link and found ladies with same or more problems than me and Cherie welcomed me. Cherie could pray with me and told me to hold on I believed. We started serious prayers that’s when I learned to fast and pray I had not taken it serious before. One day I passed  through church and I was late we had revivals when I came home I found him home after ten months. I choose to remain in this club coz my life changed because of prayers. Have  decided to encourage wives, ladies in this ministry giving true testimony of how God can use one and send people unknown to you to safe one marriage. Since then have learned how to communicate with him, how to humble to my husband. Since I was not given time to learn how to live with them coz of arranged marriage I have passed hell. But now am a living testimony of what God can do through this club. Have ministered to many marriages through my experience many  have changed and I thank God for using me in a great way through your help Imperfect Wives. Am ready to serve in this club as God enables me, totally surrendered.



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