9-12-2014 8-18-44 AM“Therefore be imitators of God as dear children.” (Ephesians 5:1)

As a Mama to little boys, I’m the first wife role model they see. Children are so impressionable, especially at an early age. Their little minds are blank, waiting to be filled with good or bad. We have a chance to impact them with our marriage and honor God.

As wives, we have to remember our children are watching every move we make.


Both our sons and daughters are looking at our relationship with our husbands to see how we treat them. They will imitate what they see us do.  When we love and are respectful towards our husbands, we can almost bet that our children will treat their daddy the same way. Do they see us disrespecting his authority? Or do they see us submitting even if it’s not the choice we’d make? It’s so vitally important that we imitate Jesus with our actions towards our husbands.

Kids will imitate what they see between their parents. If they see them having a biblical marriage, then they’ll have a pattern to follow that will lead to blessings. If we show them a marriage that goes against the laws of God, then they’ll have a pattern that will lead to a life of emptiness and destruction. Marriage is ordained by God and it’s a sacred relationship. Our children need to see us, as wives, obeying God in our marriage, loving our husbands, and respecting their authority.  It’s not a popular subject, but we’re not supposed to be pleasing men. We live to please God alone.

Our husbands have it hard enough with all the disrespect that the world throws their way. We’re to be their safeplace. We’re the one they can count on to respect and love them when no one else does. It’s not always easy to respect our husbands because we’re prideful. Our flesh is veryweak. By studying God’s Word and praying to God, we can overcome our flesh and be the wives that God desires for us to be. He has so much in store for our marriages. He wants us to pass that legacy onto our children, grandchildren, and etc. They are depending on us to show them how marriage works.

God desires for our marriages to be full of life and joyful. Extend grace to your man. Extend love to him. Most of all extend forgiveness to him. We have little eyes watching us at all times and we should lead them in God’s direction not our own.

Let’s take a moment to pray!

Lord, thank You for marriage. It is a holy relationship that You have ordained. Thank You we have a chance to glorify You in our marriages. May we look to You for strength to be the wife You desire. Help us to imitate Jesus to our children and those around us. Help us to honor You in our marriage. Thank You for our husbands. Help us to love and support them so they may be the men You desire. 

 In Jesus’ name Amen. 

Building strong marriages together,  

Heather Strickland