I love my husband. I adore my husband. And I love every free minute I get with him.

Which isn’t always often.

We have four small children, ranging in ages from 2 to 7.

Our days tend to be harried and loud. Very loud.

And in the midst of our harried and loud days, I will turn to Charlie and shout above the noise “I need a date!”

There. Simple as that.

And from the moment we leave our house I could care less about what we actually go and do. The only thing I really, really want on my date (other than quiet) is to laugh. To remember just how funny my husband is. To put on the back burner the issue we are having with a child, the fact that I forgot to pay the water bill (but spout off a ridiculous children’s song  title and I’ll sing you the lyrics), or the mountain of laundry waiting at home for me.

And you know what? I’m fully convinced that’s what God wants for us to.

“A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” 

                                                                                     Proverbs 17:22

He calls it good medicine. And good medicine it is.

Charlie and I have been known to get coffee, sit in the car overlooking some beautiful Tennessee mountains simply enjoying our uninterrupted, chock-full-of-laughter conversation.

There seems to be little that connects our heart, other than those times.

Ladies, what connects you and your husband most? What do you look forward to most on your dates with your spouse? Have a great date tip? Will you share with us here?

Ready for a laugh,



photo courtesy of  nuttakit @ www.freedigitalphotos.net