How to Pray For Your Husband

Are you struggling to pray for your husband?  Maybe you don't feel like you know how to prayer for your husband. I experienced a season that was so hard that I couldn't find the words to pray for Bill. Below are 11 different verses that I've put in the form of a prayer to pray over him when I couldn't find the words to pray. What inspired...

Power Tool For Every Marriage

One of the most powerful tools that God has given us to use in our marriage is overlooked by many couples, and for so many different reasons. What is this Power Tool that is so important to the health of our marriage? The power tool I’m talking about is PRAYER!  Prayer and Marriage are uniquely related so it’s wise to invest time together in...

Power Tool For Marriage

Thought For Today

Hey, guys. Cherie here with a thought for today. 🙂 Did you know The man you desire your husband to be is coming directly from the Lord. He has called you to be your husband’s helpmate. It’s so hard to accomplish this without a vision of "who" he is through God's sight to work towards. The enemy is quick to use your vulnerable moments to...

Something New For You

Our ministry has been in transition for a few months now and the result is something new for you! For those of you that have been with us from the start, you will remember our first group, Praying Wives Club, which started in 2008. In 2010, we transitioned to The Imperfect Wives for reasons we didn't know at the time.  For the last three...

What Is Stinkin Thinkin

What is stinkin thinkin? It’s negative thoughts we think about ourselves. Can we stop the stinking thinking? Yes! But how? By renewing our minds with God’s word. 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 tells us this... “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high...

Stinkin Thinkin

Welcome October Freebie

  We are so excited to partner in ministry with our precious friend Bonnie Wallace. She is pure joy and brings inspiration and clarity to our ministry here at Fighting For Your Marriage. And because we LOVE her so much, we tend to love all that she creates. Including her new ministry for moms who are 50 and over. Have you...

overfiftymomdotcom October Freebie

Foot Meet Mouth

Have you experienced Foot Meet Mouth syndrome? Bill was nearing retirement and trying to figure out what he wanted to do after the Navy. He had thrown "many" ideas at me, but none that he was sticking to. One day he said, "What do you think about me becoming a teacher?" I had just gone through my career path in college and knew...

Foot Meet Mouth